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Last night was a bit...hectic. It first started off with studying but Mina wanted to make it a bit more interesting and turn it into jeopardy? Later on, Jirou set up a karaoke competition between Mina and Uraraka since they both were debating who was a better singer. When we all know that it was actually Jirou. Momo, Eri and I sat back and watched them do little performances around the room when they sang their hearts out. Momo was dressing up Eri in fancy clothes that she created and had a fashion show.

Momo ended up giving Eri the clothes that she created for her and to be honest, I was thankful since it saved money for my mom. Later in the evening my mother made us dinner and we played a few rounds of Uno at the table. Keep this in mind: Momo knows exactly what she's doing in the game since she kept winning every time even though she claims she doesn't understand the game. Never underestimate her. Later in the night we all then binged watched a k-drama that kept us up until two in the morning to finish the story and it left us all...pretty sad.

I felt my heavy eyes try to open but I closed them back once I saw the lighting in the room. I don't have a good relationship with the sunlight in the room when I'm trying to wake up, ever. I forced my head to look at the clock on my dresser. 10:35 a.m it read. I sighed deeply and I pushed myself up. I could feel the crust in the corner of my eyes and the dried drool that was on my face. Kinda felt gross. I let out another sigh when I stood from my bed, carefully walking over the girls who slept on my floor. I made my way to the bathroom and squinted my eyes. I turned on the faucet and started to wash my face. Jesus, the bags under my eyes were more noticeable and my hair was wild. I heard a few footsteps in the distance and I saw Momo and Uraraka wake up first, along with Mina and Jirou. They yawned and said good morning as they had the same morning look and hair as I did. While we were getting ready, I heard a knock at the front door.

"I'll get it." I said first, walking out of the bathroom and walking to the front door, opening it and being surprised as to who I saw.

"Woah, rough night?" Dr. Shun assumed with a cheeky smile. I rubbed my eyes and chuckled.

"More like a girls night," I corrected him, "um, why are you here, exactly?" I questioned him with my head tilted a bit. He held up a paper with a few items listed.

"Your mom asked me to do some errands for her while she has a 20 hour shift today. She also asked to watch over you during the nighttime, if that's okay with you." Shun clarified which made me shrug my shoulders.

"I don't mind. As long as you guard my house while I sleep then that'll be great." I replied. I looked behind me, seeing my friends peek their heads out of the bathroom, eavesdropping on our conversation. I looked back to Shun and he ran his fingers through his black hair.

"You know, I could use the company and more hands to run these errands faster if you ladies would like to tag along." He implied, making me look back. Mina rushed out of the bathroom and so did Uraraka.

"We can help you! We can help you!" They blurted without a second thought. I couldn't believe this. I looked into Shun's eyes and shook my head at him.

"I'm disappointed in you, Dr. Shun." I expressed, seeing him throw his hands up in defense of his actions.

"What? I'm completely harmless!" He defended himself.

"You sure are playful today," I pointed out, "we'll tell you when we're ready to go." I walked away from the door to let him walk inside and I went back into my room. The girls were scattering around my room in a rush, changing quickly into whatever outfits that Momo was creating. Yes, they were fancy, but it was also appropriate clothing for a casual day.

"(Y/n), does my hair look good?" Mina came up to me to ask.

"If you're asking me so you could look good for Shun, don't bother." I rejected her, having her groan in frustration. I saw Eri still in a deep sleep on my bed and I gently shook her. She quickly shot up and looked around like she was on high alert, and I rubbed her back to put her at some sort of ease.

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