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"Are you sure?! Did you run into anyone? Are you sure of it?" Uraraka kept questioning (y/n), with Shoto, Momo, and Tsu behind her. (Y/n) stood by the door while one of her hands rested on the doorknob, staring at them with a natural face. She tilted her head to the side a bit before she raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Yeah? I'm sure. Eri wasn't feeling well so I decided to take her home. Sorry that I didn't message you guys..." (Y/n) lied, keeping her calm facade. But inside her chest...she felt immense pain from anger. Almost felt like she was on fire. Uraraka looked back to the others with a mixture of confusion and distraught, making (y/n) ask.

"Why? You guys look really worried." She pointed out, her (e/c) eyes not leaving off of her classmates' bodies. Shoto let out a deep sigh, his eyebrows narrowing a bit.

"We were just...a bit panicked..." He struggled to say as his eyes averted down in guilt. (Y/n) nodded slowly but she didn't say a word. She just stared at them. Tsu cleared her throat a bit, breaking the silence.

"I guess...we'll leave you be. We'll see you later, (y/n)..." Tsu spoke up, having Momo, Shoto, and Uraraka turn to leave, walking off of (y/n)'s front steps. The girl watched her classmates leave and she slowly closed the door, letting her emotions set in. (Y/n)'s cool demeanor dropped instantly, and she growled in extreme irritation, suddenly swinging her arm with full force as she punched the wall on the side of the door.

"You fucking fakes...fuck you guys." She cursed to herself, bringing her semi bruised hand off the wall. (Y/n) heavily breathed to calm herself but it wasn't enough. She brought her fingers to her mouth, biting at her nails harshly. Her mind started to be filled with questions like: why would her own friends decide to throw her under the bus? Do they care about another student's life more than hers? Why didn't they tell her about it first? Why couldn't they just let the pros handle it instead? Her mentality was, "why me, why me, why me"...

(Y/n)'s teeth ripped off small strings of skin from her fingers and biting her nails off to where it almost bled. Her body was face to the door, looking at the floor as her mind felt like it was almost about to black out. But there was a small tap on her shoulder, causing her to snap her body around instantly. Her eyes widened, seeing Deku stand before her. He still had that signature smile on his face as always...but (y/n) wasn't happy at that moment.

"Get the fuck out." She demanded, clenching her fists as her anger was visibly expressed on her face now. Deku raised his hands up in slight defense.

"(Y/n)...I know you're angry. I understand you, really, I do." Deku sympathized with her as he tried to soften his gaze but...that twisted look in his eyes would always remain there. (Y/n)'s face contorted with disturbance and irritation, stepping close to him.

"I said get the fuck out." She repeated to Deku, glaring into his eyes. But Deku was unfazed, still smiling at her.

"(Y/n)...just admit you're angry. You'll feel better if you just say it out loud." Deku advised her, making (y/n) seem taken back by his back talk. She stared at him for a few moments before she sighed deeply.

"I'm not angry." (Y/n) denied, looking to the ground. Deku couldn't help but lightly chuckle at her response. 'My darling, always stubborn.' He thought to himself. Deku then slowly raised his arms a little, opening up to (y/n). The girl's eyes stared in silence before looking into Deku's eyes.

"You remember our deal? You said that I had to help you no matter what...so I'm willing to give you comfort, if that can help you too. Since I believe you might become...self-destructive." Deku emphasized, making (y/n) hesitate. Her eyes studied Deku's body, seeing if he had any tricks up his sleeve or if he was going to attack her. But...he looked calm, still holding his arms out for her for an embrace. His eyes...held such care. It was scary.

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