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Voices murmured throughout the room as the eager souls in their chairs wished the trial started already. Everything was set in their right spots. The judge, the witnesses, the jury, even for the officers who stood by the judge. The judge cleared her throat and nodded to the officers as she signaled them to bring the victim forward. There were five particular students who watched the officer walk down the aisle, their eyes following their movement. Kirishima sighed nervously and messed with his collar a bit while he gulped his saliva. He felt a small nudge on his shoulder, making him look next to him as he met eyes with Denki and Bakugou.

"We're gonna be fine. We'll get justice." Kaminari whispered with a comforting smile. Bakugou nodded along with Kaminari with a hint of determination in his eyes. Kirishima felt his hand be grasped by a smaller hand, only to see Uraraka give the same glance as Bakugou. Todoroki also nodded, letting Kirishima be at ease. They all looked around when they heard the doors open, revealing their dear friend. Her (h/c) locks were in a low ponytail as it had grown out but she held an I.V pole by her side, with both of her wrists taped to keep the needles in. She wore a (f/c) dress that flowed down to her ankles as it seemed to hug her figure comfortably. A doctor stood by her side, Dr. Shun, who the students didn't recognize. He held her by the waist to support her up as he assisted her down the aisle. As (y/n) passed by, her friends stared at her features...particularly Todoroki. He saw her half opened eyes, how her eyes drifted, her hollow cheeks on her face, and her frail hands. The more he looked at (y/n), the more his heart broke at the sight of her misfortune. Dr. Shun pulled out (y/n)'s chair and held onto her as she sat down. There was an extra seat next to her as he took it.

"Bring him forth." The judge suddenly announced, making others look back at the doors. Chains rattled against each other as two guards held the familiar villain down the courtroom. His green eyes stuck to the floor with every step he took to avoid the glaring and dispising looks everyone gave him in the room. He could feel their stares like needles on his skin. The guards placed Izuku in his chair with a large flash next to him. The boy looked to his right, laying his gaze on his lover with sad eyes. The (h/c) looked to her left, locking eyes with him. She, too, held sad eyes. He knew what her motive was for all this, he knew her intentions deep down. He knew she lost trust and hope for him while the burning love and hatred was eating her inside and out. He knew she was letting him go. That is, what Izuku knew...

"Let's get down to business," the room went silent, "Izuku Midoriya, your file says you are charged with mass murder, cannabilisim, terrorisim, and the kidnapping, torture, and rape of (y/f/n). How do you plead?" The judge listed out with a raised brow.

"Guilty, your honor." Izuku replied, letting his locks fall over his eyes. His shoulders twitched a bit, lifting up his head. The judge's eyes widened a bit at the sight. Deku's eyes faded to red and he held a confident smile.

"Actually, can there be half guilty and half not guilty, your honor?" He chuckled a bit with his posture straightened out. His lawyer next to him fixed his tie and walked away from his seat.

"Your honor, my name is Mr. Aki and as you know, my client has a personality disorder that can only be controlled when a strong flash is present that can bring out the real identity of Izuku Midoriya. Who do you wish to speak to?" Deku's lawyer asked with caution in his voice. The judge narrowed her glance and folded her hands.

"It's not me who's doing the talking. Both can speak however is deemed fit. Proceed." She sighed as she placed Deku's files to the side. Mr. Aki looked around (y/n) and her doctor, looking for who was doing to defend (y/n)'s case.

"And as your lawyer?" He questioned the two. Before Dr. Shun could speak there was an extra pair of steps walking around the judges stand, revealing Mrs. Saku. She waved and took a seat next to (y/n). The (h/c) girl stared in shock as she was going to ask what was going on but Mrs. Saku held her finger to her lips, like she wanted it to be a secret.

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