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Third person p.o.v

The villain rocked side to side in his confined chair, his eyelids shut as he held a small smile onto his face. 'Two more days, just two more days...I can't wait that long.', thought the villain as he tried to smooth his impulses with a raspy hum that seemed to loom in his throat. The tightness of the straight jacket was beginning to strike a numb feeling from the neck down to his lower stomach. His peeled, blistered skin, now throbbing red and had cracks filled with blood, was an unbearable thing once he thought of the condition in his mind. With the little strength he had he lifted his eyelids, bringing his head up to the corner of his cell to meet with the lense of the camera that watched over him.

"Cellmate 0715, remain where you are." The speaker to the side of the camera suddenly instructed, ringing a high pitched alarm that echoed in the room. Izuku gritted his teeth from the obnoxious noise as it triggered his senses, making him cringe as it continued on. The door to his cell suddenly opened, having one guard enter his room. He was emotionless, only unwrapping the straps to Izuku's jacket and leaving without closing the door. The restraints were what seemed to keep Izuku up as he fell off his chair, not bothering to push himself up. He bit his inner lip harshly as he could feel large areas of his skin tear and his warm blood oozed from his cracked flesh. His shortness of breath was beginning to have his vision be blurry, his head spinning as he felt sick to his stomach. Like being in the heat on a summer day without any water and being nauseous for no reason. Two more guards entered the room as they lowered themselves to izuku's level, applying cuffs onto his wrists and wrapping their arms underneath his, lifting him to his feet.

"Where are we going...?" Izuku asked weakly, looking back and forth at both the guards. Still not a single word was exchanged to the boy as they began to walk towards the exit of the cell. Stumbling a bit, Izuku tried his best to keep up with his escorters as well as hold back his tears from the tight grip they had on him. Making a right from the door, Izuku walked alongside the two men towards a locked door. The clicking of Izuku's collar and their heels filled the spine chilling hallway as they remained silent. Reaching to the door, one of the men let the villain go, pulling out a singular key as he unlocked the many locks that were on the door. As the locks came undone, the guard swung it open, revealing the cafeteria with other villains. It was truly a sight to see. From where Izuku stood was a lunch stand to the far left of them while to the right was a library. Some criminals down below stared at Izuku, analyzing him up and down. Even though the intimidation sent the boy into uneasiness, his gaze landed on Dabi and Shigaraki. The guards that escorted Izuku uncuffed him, giving him a slight push towards the steps. The greenette flinched and whimpered a bit, feeling some blisters pop from the impact. He slowly took a step down the stairs, followed by his other foot and so on.

"Is that the Izuku everyone talks about?" A woman whispered to another girl beside her.

"I hear he just turned seventeen not that long ago. How incredible, so young yet a genius."

"He's so young...did you hear what he did to the girl he had hostage?" The whispering continued. All these criminals giving Izuku the eyes of hostility and judgement made it hard to breathe but Midoriya merely pushed through the atmosphere. Midoriya took his seat in front of Dabi and Shigaraki, seeing the distrust of their surroundings.

"So...Deku, what's going on?" Dabi first started the conversation with his chin resting on his palm. Izuku looked away with his eyes slowly turning to the crimson color they were familiar with, having his separate identity take play. Deku scanned the area, seeing the guards paying a close eye on them. They were within range of hearing everything they said and maybe one wrong move, they won't be able to get out of their cells again. The greenette looked at the metal table as he stared at his reflection.

𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙣 𝙏𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙨Where stories live. Discover now