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I treat what happened last night to be a nightmare. Nothing but a surreal nightmare that I want to bury in the back of my mind. Since I woke up in my hospital room, I can only assume that Deku had taken care of whatever happened after I fell back asleep. But...I ordered him to have Sun be dead...didn't I? Did the police find Shun's body? As well as the other victims? I mean, if they had, wouldn't they confront me about it? I don't even know...

Tsukauchi was called by my mother to drop me off at home, which wasn't a big deal to me but it made me feel...uneasy to be around him after last night. Keeping a dirty secret from him, from everyone. Tsukauchi spoke a few words to me on the way home but I could only reply with short responses, since I felt a tight feeling in my chest and was crushed by constant paranoia. He reminded me once again that if there was anything he could do for me or have information regarding Deku, I should contact him as soon as possible. It's always that same phrase over and over and over...

Once he drove away from the front of my house, I walked up to my front door and opened it. When I entered my house, I saw Eri and my mom sitting at the table. They darted their attention to me and both of them practically jumped out of their chairs, running towards me. My mother embraced me first, wrapping her arms around my neck while I felt Eri's arms wrap around my waist. I closed my eyes, the guilt was creeping in on me. My mom pulled back from me, suddenly slapping the side of my head. I flinched from her actions, looking into her eyes...she was crying.

"What the hell were you thinking!? Huh?!" She raised her voice at me, the tears in her eyes falling. Seeing my mom like this made my eyes water as well, since my mother hardly ever shows when something's wrong. I lowered my eyes and head to my feet, remaining quiet. She shook my shoulders a bit as she asked me the same question. I bit the inside of my cheek, taking a deep breath as I hesitantly raised up my head to her. Her hands that rested on my shoulders now went up to cup both sides of my face, giving me no choice but to look into her eyes.

"Do you realize what you could have done?! You realize that if you had taken your life, you would have left everyone behind! Your friends, your family, and Eri. Don't you dare be selfish ever again! Do you hear me?!," My mom pulled me back into a hug, her breath shuttering next to my ear, "I need you and Eri needs you too. You're my baby and I can't lose you. Not again..." She cried. My selfish action has caused those around me distress and worry. With that alone, I can't make that same mistake again. I slowly wrapped my arms around my mom, burring my face into her shoulder.

"I know...and it will never happen again. I promise and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" I apologized with my promise, feeling my mother pull away from me. I looked down to Eri, seeing the sad smile she was giving me and I leaned down to hug her.

"Oh and um," My mom wiped her tears away and took a few breaths to calm herself, "there was someone who sent you a bouquet of roses when you were released." I looked at the kitchen table to see what my mom was talking about and sure enough, I laid eyes on a large set of red roses. There was a small card that leaned on the vase of the roses and I got up, walking over to the table and grabbing the card. It was blank on one side until I turned it over. I froze when I read upon the initials, "I/D". It stood for Izuku slash Deku. That bastard...

"So? Who's it from?" My mom looked over my shoulder. I crumbled the card in my hands a bit and let out a small laugh.

"It was uh, one of my friends from school." I lied to her. My mom had a small, 'oh', escape her lips and I excused myself from the kitchen, bringing the flowers into my room. Eri followed behind me, watching me. When I settled the flowers on my desk, I looked down at Eri. I kneeled down to her level.

"Hey, I want to say sorry to you too, Eri." I started off, seeing Eri title her head in some confusion.

"You remember when I told you not to open the door, right?," Eri nodded, "And I'm sure you knew I was in danger because...you went into the bathroom anyways..." I assumed but Eri shook her head to me.

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