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1:13 a.m, The day of the escape

It was the night guards turn to take watch over the facility until 7 in the morning. Graveyard shift wasn't that big of a deal since it was less for them to deal with the inmates. Every inmate was asleep anyways so most of the guards would either sleep in whatever area they were at or be on their phones. In the surveillance room, the cameras were only in the rooms of the inmates to make sure that they weren't up to no good. Although, that was the worst mistake they made...

"Hey Chris! Go and check on your favorite inmate, Midoriya. He's pacing around in his fucking room again and won't sleep." One of Chris's coworkers yelled at him, causing him to jolt himself awake. The men laughed at him which made Chris rather irritated with the tournament of his workers.

"You guys are faggots." He insulted them before he exited the surveillance room. To be honest, Chris absolutely hated checking up on Midoriya since for one, he's the youngest and the most mentally unstable one in the facility and for two, he couldn't help but feel engulfed in fear every time he enters in his room, even if he was speaking to Izuku, not 'Deku'. It felt like there was an abyss behind Midoriya no matter what and there were a pair of eyes staring above Izuku's head, staring at Chris, ready to strike when given the chance. Chris sighed, making his way through the halls of silence with tired eyes.

'Hey.' A small voice whispered behind Chris, making him snap his head to look behind him. He lifted his vest up a bit and hovered his hand over the handle of his gun. Yes, having a gun on you in Japan is highly risky and you must have a thorough authorization to own one, but Chris never followed the code of conduct. He looked around his surroundings, keeping his guard up for any inmates that might have escaped from their cells. His tense body slowly loosened before he proceeded to walk towards Izuku's cell.

But a sudden pain struck his head, causing him to fall to his knees, his hands holding the sides of his head. He gritted his teeth, groaning with his body hunched over on the ground. It felt like a nail was being hammered into his skull, over and over. The man screamed a bit, closing his eyes with his nails digging into the sides of his face. But then...the pain stopped. Chris's body relaxed and he seemed...different. He straightened himself up and extended out his arms in front of him as if he was in awe with his body but his eyes. His eyes were red.

Withing that short amount of time when Midoriya's blood made contact with Chris, Deku had taken over Chris' consciousness and body with his entity quirk that fully manifested in his system. The day that Deku made Izuku vomit blood on Chris was when he activated his quirk. But now his quirk has evolved. Now he was able to hop and take control of people's consciousness and body. Deku moved around in Chris's body for a moment before he felt the gun that was in the beltline of his waist.

"Big mistake." He muttered to himself with a smile, but he quickly shook the adrenaline he had in his veins by turning his eyes back to normal and walking to his cell. When he arrived, he pulled the keys out of his belt and unlocked it, hearing a loud 'beep' when it opened. Izuku was still pacing around the room until he saw 'Chris' enter the room. His eyes widened and he backed up a bit in fear. Deku grabbed Izuku's hair and raised a fist in the air. That's when Izuku saw Deku's red eyes.

"Nothing personal." He smiled before he sent a harsh punch to Izuku's face, knocking him out cold in the middle of his cell. Deku walked out of the cell and proceeded to walk back to the surveillance room, seeing the men hanging out and playing cards. They all looked towards Deku and grunted when he appeared. They couldn't tell that the villain was in control.

"Hey, go wake up the other guards. They might be sleeping." They instructed him, only having Deku nod his head and leave once again. He was going to kill those guards for last since they also have the controls to the doors of the facility. He didn't want them to lock down the place while he was making his escape attempt. Deku walked to the front of the building, seeing that there was a small board that had people's names on it. Deku examined the wall, feeling a sense of bewilderment and relief. There were only twenty officers in the building, only ten during the night watch and fifteen during the day, since some take day and night shift. 'Well, isn't that a sight I love to see', Deku thought to himself, scouting out the perimeter.

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