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All Might asked Recovery girl to step Eri out of the room so that way they all could talk to (y/n) in private. The woman agreed, holding onto Eri's hand and bringing her out of the room. Once the two of them were out of the room, Tsukauchi, Dr. Shun, and All Might took a seat in front of the girl. (Y/n) sat up and faced the men in front of her, her face contorting with uneasiness and anxiety for what they were about to confide in her.

"So, first things first, how have you been recently?" Tsukauchi started off with a question to (y/n).

"I've been...fine." She seemed unsure of her answer while she fidgeted with her fingers.

"Please be honest with us." Tsukauchi said, having (y/n) put her head down.

"Fine...I've been sort of uneasy. I've been seeing visions from time to time with dead bodies, having frights about small things and it doesn't help that I've been...unhealthy." (Y/n) told the officer, seeing him look over to Shun. The doctor leaned in a bit and reached into his lab coat, pulling out forms of paper with data on them. He placed them in front of (y/n), having her eyes scan the paper with confusion.

"I will let you know, (y/n), I am very fascinated with your case and decided to dedicate my work to understand your connection with Midoriya since this is the first case I've ever received with such a phenomenon," Shun cleared his throat, "so, while I was testing your blood levels and studying your nervous system, I stumbled across something rather, interesting. You see, I contained some of Midoriya's blood and your blood as well, comparing the two to see if your DNA was one or separate. But, when Midoriya or 'Deku' makes contact with you with the Entity quirk, his blood and yours were trying to connect while they were in the containers. Like, the blood had a mind of its own." Shun pointed to the data that showed a line chart. He pointed to the line that was lower.

"This is your chart for your nervous systems responses," Shun then pointed to the line above hers, "and this is Midoriya's. When he activates his quirk to communicate with you, your nerves and senses heighten more than the average human. Meaning that your heart pumps more blood, your hearing becomes more heightened, your vision becomes more sensitive, and your brain unlocks certain parts that mess with your memory. But the lines go in sync. I knew this was the case because the blood was moving so that means...," Shun's lips formed into a sinister smile, "He spoke with you today, didn't he?" He concluded. (Y/n) sat in disbelief with the discovery that her doctor made, staring at the charts that were in her hands.

"That's true...he did talk to me today." She told the truth.

"And by any chance, have you forgotten anything? It doesn't matter how big or small it is." Tsukauchi asked (y/n), having her look around the room to gather all her memories together. There was a small hum she made before she began to speak, showing she had everything together.

"I remember everything that happened while I was rescued, hospitalized, the court day, my visit with Midoriya, signing a contract that lets adults and authorities know where I'm at, and um...my friend telling me that the police embed my location on their phones...," she looked at her feet in doubt. Her eyes blinked a few times as she tried to recall and other memories she had. 'There was the warning, the court day, Eri and...what else was there?', she thought in her head, having a bit more difficulty concentrating.

"Do you remember when I told you that everyone was going to have your location?" Tsukauchi tried reminding (y/n) but she stared at him with her current confusion. The officer looked at Shun, hoping that he would have an explanation. Shun got up from the office chair and walked behind it, leaning on it as he held eye contact with the girl.

"What about your parents? Do you remember their names? Better yet, your age?" The man asked that lead (y/n) to answer confidently but she froze. Shun spun the chair around and his expression faded into a rather...ominous look.

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