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I hate this pattern that I do. Whenever something bad happens, I always end up having the struggle of opening my eyes and waking up in a different area. Without fail. I let out a groan and I could feel my eyelids begin to raise up. It was dark but also comfortable, in a sense. My attention went down to my body, and I saw my laying on the sides of my body, with each wrist having an IV needle in my veins. It's almost becoming the norm for me, seeing these needles and being in the hospital. I looked to the side as I could see someone's figure next to me, sitting in a chair and I could feel a wave of...disappointment, as I could say. Todoroki made eye contact with me and I could see sadness and anger deep within his eyes.

"What were you thinking?" He suddenly asked me sternly and with demand. I only looked away from his gaze and stared at my room door, wishing that I could escape this room. I heard Shoto get up from his chair and grab to the side of my bed, slightly shaking it from how rough he latched on.

"Why would you do such a thing, (y/n)?! Do you not see the value of your own life and what you mean to others? What if Eri found you, she would have been traumatized because of a selfish action you did. Just...why?" His voice was shaky and had slight desperation but...his words were muffled to me. I didn't look at him still and only kept my sights on the door. Shoto stood by for a moment, waiting for my answer but he let out a sigh. He whispered along the lines of 'I'm sorry' or 'My apologies' but I couldn't make out what he was saying because his words were still muffled to me. It felt as if I wasn't mentally here but merely half. Todoroki had his back turned to me before he looked back at me one last time before he left my room.

Now I was alone, staring at the ceiling and having a blank mind. I didn't want to hear anyone's pity or 'sorry's'. Yes, what I have done was a selfish act, but it wasn't to end my life. It was the only way I could think of being in this hospital. I could feel this heaviness in my chest just thinking about it. I slowly raised my arms and placed my hands over my eyes, letting out a long sigh...as if that's going to help me. I really need to apologize to my mom and Eri when I see them...since Eri was the one who called for help. God, what am I even doing?

My train of thought was interrupted when the door to my room was opened, having a bit of a loud sound echo in the room as the doctor walked in with a tray in hand. He was of medium height, had a mask on his face, and wore a surgical cap on his head that hid the majority of his hair. He stayed silent for a moment before he got closer, and I began to shake. Red eyes stared down at me and he pulled down his mask, his lips growing into a wide smile.

"Hello, my darling. How are you feeling?" Deku asks with his sinister eyes examining up and down my body. The air in my throat prevented me from speaking but Deku seemed delighted as he giggled at my reaction.

"I know, you're thinking of how I got in here. It's not important but I need you to take this." He suddenly presented in front of my face with a pill to my mouth. I gulped and looked back up to him again. His smile faded and was now frowning.

"This will make you feel better once you take it and won't suffer from any physical problems from now on once it's in your system. We are working together now, so I need you to trust me." He tried to convince me but I still was hesitant. He did say that he would obey my every word so why would he try anything with me? A shaky sigh exited my nose and I opened my mouth a bit, seeing Deku's fingers place the pill on my tongue. On the tray was also a glass of water with a straw in it and he placed the straw to my lips, allowing me to swallow the pill with ease. After a few gulps, I brought my head away from the straw and felt a few drops of water slide down the corner of my mouth. Deku gently placed his hand against my cheek, wiping away the water with his thumb and then caressed my bottom lip. A blush appeared on his cheeks and a small smile formed.

"You'll be good as new soon, my love. I changed your medical file so that way they don't place you on a seventy-two hour hold for your suicide attempt." Deku began to inform me, placing the tray down and taking his hand away from my face, reaching into his pocket.

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