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Your p.o.v

Sleeping at night hasn't always been easy. But with the help of the medication from my I.V, my mind can be put to rest easy...sometimes. A few days ago when that incident with my sessions occurred, I haven't heard that voice since. It's tone...the way it made me feel...it's too much like his. But one thing though that has been off is that every so often I can feel a little stab in my neck as if a small needle is being punctured into my skin. Is it a sign of some sort?

I creased the side of my neck with my fingertips gently, sending a small shiver down my spine. The coldness of the room brought down my body heat and the white blanket I had with me wasn't enough to keep me warm. My teeth chattered a bit and I curled into a tight ball on my side, staring at the machines that were placed next to my bed. It was dark...only the different colors of the machines that glowed different numbers were the only things I could see. It's dark...too dark...too cold. I don't like this...

As my heart was about to be in a state of panic, the door of my hospital room opened, flooding the area with light. I sat up slowly as I turned my head over to the person who entered. Sighing, I gave a weak smile as to who it was.

"Oh...it's just you, Dr. Shun." I nervously chuckled as I met his gaze. His mismatched eyes gave a soft look and he returned my gesture with a smile as well. Stepping inside, he adjusted the lighting in the room fairly well enough for him to see.

"I had a feeling that you were awake. Is there something you need?" He asked me, walking towards my bed with his head tilted. Jeez, how was I gonna say this? I maneuvered my eyes to the electric socket to the side of my room and began to slowly fidget my fingers. I inhaled shakingly and bit my lip a bit.

"C-Can I...have a nightlight of some sort? Also, can I...have another blanket too? It's really cold..." I faintly requested, having my face warm up from the embarrassing words. I looked up at Dr. Shun in the corner of my eye in hopes of him not judging me. I was a bit taken back at his expression; his gently, soft smile didn't fade and he only nodded at my request.

"Of course, in fact, I actually have those ready in your closet." He suddenly mentioned as he guided himself towards the compartment near the door of my room. I sighed with relief that he didn't think twice about my request, having a weak smile on my face.

"Hey, what are you doing up this late anyways? Don't tell me that you wanna leave already." Dr. Shun jokingly said with a laugh as he placed the extra blanket at the end of my bed, making his way to the corner of the room to place the nightlight. I hummed a bit while reaching over for my blanket.

"Heh...no...this place makes me feel safe and I'm just having trouble sleeping..." I trailed off with my sentence, staring at my wrists. For some odd reason my skin felt...cold...cold and heavy. As if weights were added onto them for restraints. The clicking of Dr. Shun's shoes made me snap out of my trance and slowly raise up my arms. They still felt heavy...why?

"Is there something bothering you, (y/n)?" Dr. Shun asked me. I lowered my arms back to my lap and nodded a bit to his question.

"My arms feel heavy in a way...and no matter how covered I am I feel cold. Do you know what that could be?" I told him, tilting my head in confusion. His brows fused together and went quiet with my concern. His mismatched eyes scanned the room as if it had the answer but...seemed like he was hiding something. Soon after the silence he scoffed a bit, giving himself a soft face palm.

"I forgot to mention this to you but the medication we're giving you will have some side effects. Like the heavy arms for example, since the needles are in your wrists, you're most likely to experience weird symptoms in that area." Dr. Shun explained to me with a disarming smirk. I don't know what it was but...deep in my gut I felt there was something off. Mentally shrugging it off, I eyes trailed around my doctor's features, landing on his scar on the left side of his face. The depth of the mark was deep and it was for sure that it wasn't going to fade anytime soon. My doctor's eyes met mine and softened his glance, raising his hand to crease his scar.

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