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Who am I?

Ever since that question had been brought up to me, I've been having trouble finding my answer.

I'm Deku, who else would I be?

I'm Deku, the one who made everything happen up until this point without lifting a single finger...right? The Deku that (y/n) loves...right?

But if she loves me, where was I when it all started?

I am nothing more than the intrusive thoughts and impulsive urges in Izuku's mind and body.

I don't have a physical body.

I don't have a voice.

I don't have my own thoughts.

I don't have a heart.

I'm nothing but a copy of the original.

My thoughts are nothing but Izuku's. Not my own.

But I love her? I'm obsessed with (y/n). How could I not have a heart if I feel that way for her?

Now that I think about it...I only feel infatuation, obsession, pride and anger. I can't feel anything else.

Who am I, really?

I pierced my teeth in the plumped heart in my hand, feeling the blood ooze from the holes I created. Blood smells just like copper but it's so sweet when the taste hits my tongue. My eyes rolled to the back of my head when I felt the chunk of meat I swirled around in my mouth, twisting the small veins with my tongue. This taste was incredible, I need to feast more!

It's bad to play with your food.

I dug my knife into (y/n)'s father's body, stabbing the body fat over and over to make it more tender than it was. Dead bodies always tense up and it's a pain to try to bite through the flesh to get to the bone. His face was mutilated from my attempts of hitting him over and over with the handle of my knife, eyes were gone. The eyes are a delicacy to me. They're so beautiful to look at, of course they would be described as 'the gateway to your soul'. But when you bite though, it feels like biting into an orby ball. Almost like a slightly hardened jelly! Although, there was one thing I dislike about getting rid of bodies by eating them- swallowing their teeth one by one. (Y/n)'s father's were disgusting. Many of them were false teeth, rotten, or just covered in cavities. Truly disgusting.

I don't feel fulfilled when I consume peoples' bodies...but (y/n)'s blood and skin do the job. Those times where I forced my teeth into her body, the way her tender skin, sweet blood drove me almost to the edge with every bite. Although, I've never eaten a woman's reproductive organs before. I'm glad that it was (y/n)'s!

"Please, stop it!" (y/n)'s fathers' plea didn't move me when I had my hands tighten around his throat, watching him try to squirm out of my grasp as if he could run from his inevitable outcome. Any plea from my victims never convinces me to have mercy on them. But with (y/n)...I want to see her beg for her life. She knows that she's special, she knows the value of her own life. Otherwise, if she did devious acts, she wouldn't be pleading for her life to be spared. She's not afraid of death anymore.

𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙣 𝙏𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙨Where stories live. Discover now