
707 27 14

First person p.o.v

The drive back to the hospital from the courthouse seemed to pass by like a blur. All I could remember was looking out the window while I heard Eri try to call me a few times during the drive. I sat in my hospital room with a cup of water in my hand with my eyes glued to the floor. I felt a small tug on my sleeve, making me look to my side. Eri made eye contact with me with worry in her expression.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" She asked. I tried to smile to reassure her but I couldn't feel the tug in the corners of my mouth. It seemed...too forced. I merely cleared my throat and looked back at my feet.

"I'm fine. I'm just really, really tired." I muttered while resting my eyes. I heard a small 'oh' before the sound of my door opened, making me slowly reopen my eyes. I sighed in annoyance before I sat still. There was a cop in front of me, a familiar one. His dark eyes connected with mine and he took off his hat.

"Long time no see, (y/n)." The officer greeted me.

"Hey, Mr. Tsukauchi." I responded, setting my cup on my desk. My doctor and mother were next to him and they all grabbed chairs. Tsukauchi sat in front of me and held a comforting look.

"I'm sorry it's been so long, how are you feeling?" I could tell he asked with caution of that question. I stayed silent for a moment before I wrapped my arm around Eri, laying my head on top of hers. I sighed lightly and locked eyes with the officer again.

"If I'm going to be honest, I'm pretty tired." I bluntly said as I received a light chuckle from him.

"Don't worry, you'll get your rest soon. I'm just here to discuss how things are going to be from here on out." Tsukauchi informed me. He adjusted his posture before continuing.

"As you are aware, Izuku has been put on death row-"

"Deku. Not Izuku." I interrupted. Tsukauchi was taken back by my input.

"Apologies. Deku, being put on death row. He's currently being held in the A. G. R institution and that facility is heavily guarded. We know he has a very high IQ level, highly dangerous and might escape to get to you. Due to your...conditions, we are putting you under the protection of the authorities and FBI until we are one hundred percent sure you are safe on your own. Hence, there was that contract you signed with the approval that we'll have your location on your phone twenty-four seven, in case the worst case scenario happens and we'll send help immediately. Do you understand?" Tsukauchi explained to me. I nodded to his explanation and he inhaled.

"I want you to know that others, like your mother, father, your friends, and teachers will see where you are as well and be able to report to us if anything is suspicious. Is that okay?" I nodded slowly in agreement.

"Oh, and another thing," he leaned in, "I read in the file you two are able to talk telepathically, mostly him talking to you. If there is any useful information you can tell us or if you feel you are in danger, call me immediately. We'll also bring you in for questioning from time to time. " The officer told me. My chest felt tense and my heart began to pace faster. He knows about the telepathy...there's no way I could lie to him if something happens.

"But besides that," Dr. Shun interrupted, "you'll only get to be here for three more days until you're released. You'll finally get to go home and go back to school. Oh! Before I forget, Eri will be going to school with you. With her separation anxiety, it's going to be rather difficult for her to recover and go to a school of her own. There are teachers on campus that will give her the education she needs." My doctor added, making me speechless. I looked at Eri and she stared with wide eyes before she bounced up and down.

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