Chapter 18

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My thirst was uncontrollable after we got back to the house. I did this to myself. I shouldn't have gone out there. I sat on the couch in the living room.

I clawed at my throat. Indra rushed a cup of his blood to me. 

"Here. It'll help." He held it to me.

I took the cup and drank. It "helped," but I wanted something stronger. Now that I know what human blood tastes like, I want it all the time. Being with the humans made it worse. 

"I'm sorry." I said when I put the cup down. "I shouldn't have pressed."

"No it's okay. It's good that you were exposed. It'll build your tolerance."

"Do you want to go tomorrow?" I looked at him like he was crazy. 

"Nevermind." He said.

I wanted more blood. Will he let me bite him?

I nodded my head. "Let's go again tomorrow."

"Tell me about that vampire back there." I demanded. It was hella weird.

"Nothing to tell." He answered. That liar.

"Then, can I have some more blood?" That was my main concern at the moment; getting rid of this feeling. Indra nodded and took the cup. He bit into his wrist and dripped into the cup. I stared, fixated.

So sweet smelling. So red. I want it.

He filled the cup and handed it back to me. "Thanks."

I drank his blood like there was no tomorrow. It's the best thing ever. 

The craving went away. Mostly. Now my focuses were elsewhere.

Indra jerked when I jabbed him in the chest.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Nothing to tell? That vampire wanted my blood." 

"He said my blood smelled sweet."

"I know." Indra rubbed his chest. 

"You're a traumatized." 

"What?" I asked. "I know I'm traumatized."

"The blood of someone who's been traumatized is sweeter." Indra said. 

I leaned back, "the fuck?"

"I think it has something to do with the hormones that are released with fear."

I dropped my head into my hand. "So to you, my blood was sweet too? Even when I was human?"


"Great." I said. So vampires want me now, yay. 

"It'll be okay Luc. You can defend yourself."

"But what if they're older vampires like you?" 

Indra tilted his head.

"I can't beat you in a fight."

"You have your barrier to protect you. Plus, I'll never be so far away from you that you'll be harmed." I looked at him. "You don't know that."

Indra nodded and stood up to leave. I took off my shoes and laid out on the couch. 

Today was...interesting. I'm scared to go back out there, I may hurt someone. Or worse. But I have to go back. I need to conquer this too. Indra will help. 

I heard clattering from the kitchen. I got off the couch and decided to watch Indra do whatever. 

When I entered the kitchen Indra was at the counter mixing eggs and whatnot together. What's he cooking now?

LIE: AllegoryWhere stories live. Discover now