Chapter 36

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The first time Kai needed his diaper changed I made Indra do it. He wanted the kid, he gets the responsibilities.

"Uh uh." He stammered. "Diaper. Changing a diaper. I can do that." He hyped himself up as he took off Kai's soiled diaper. I just smiled and chuckled in amusement.

I covered my mouth and pinched my nose. "How is that not bothering you?"

"Trust me. It is." Indra said.

Indra took two wipes. "Front to back!" I jumped in.

"I know, Luc." He said. I just shut up.

Indra "sang" as he cleaned Kai, "cleaning cleaning cleaning, poopy poopy poopy."

I chuckled and moved my hand. Indra lifted Kai's butt and put the clean diaper under him. He leaned down to grab the sides of the diaper and Kai peed on his face. Yup. Just full jetstream. Indra froze. Kai seemed to sigh with content.

My hands went to my mouth. Yellow droplets fell from Indra's face. He slowly stood up. I laughed. Annoyingly. Loudly. Indra just nodded in acceptance and left the room.

"Okay Mister. Daddy's gonna fix you up." I said as I went over to Kai. "Nice aim." I whispered.

I wiped splatters from Kai and did up his diaper. "There you go." I lifted him up and wrapped him in his blanket. I soon chuckled to myself. Indra got peed on.

When we introduced Kai to the cats most of them were chill with him. Hell, for fun we left him with the cats on the couch to see what they'd do. Delilah and Callie laid around him, curled into his form. They stared with protection and unmoving.

Other cats slapped Kai, hunched their backs, or stared widely. My poor baby.

Kai was cooing in his crib. I came to his crib side.

"Hello my love." I said in a baby voice as I picked him up. I held him to my chest and rocked him.

It's been a few weeks since his birth. He's very active. He smiles at us a lot. I think he's happy.

We decided to wait a few weeks before returning to America, when he's a little stronger. In a few days we'll go.

I kissed his soft fat cheek. "You're going to meet your family soon. They're going to love you."

The door opened and Indra walked in. I turned to him.

"Look!" I showed Kai to his father. "He's so cute!"

Indra smiled and came to us. He put his hand on Kai's small body.

"Yes. He is." Indra spoke. "Words cannot I love him." I hear that.

He looked at me.

"Thank you." He said once again. He's always thanking me.

"It's okay." I said. "You don't need to thank me anymore." I said shaking my head.

Indra held my shoulders and leaned forward, kissing my forehead. I smiled.

"What will we do today?" He asked.

"Let's walk around the mansion grounds again."

"He's going to get bored of that." Indra said.


"Maybe we should just pack." We bought clothes and other necessities once we got ourselves together.

I nodded, "okay."

So that's what we did for most of the day. I stared at Kai. I noticed something and worried.

"Indra?" He looked at me. "Kai seems to be growing at a normal why did he grow in my belly so fast? Will he grow fast out here?"

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