Chapter 7

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I met many colorful characters in my life. None were quite like Dee or Indra. The two who loved me more than anything. Both in very different ways. One was obsession, the other was romance. But both knew how to make me lose my mind.

"What? Death?" I questioned.

"Yes." Amber confirmed.

Dee stood there, stiff and staring. 

"Why is Death with you?" I questioned.

Amber looked back, then to me and pointed at Dee. 

"So you...believe that's Death?" She asked.

I nodded. Why? 

I stood up.

"Dee just follows me around nowadays." She said.

"But people in my family kept dying because a witch cursed my father." There's witches too?

Are there werewolves? Maybe. I mean, my boyfriend is a vampire.

"Dee came to fix it, I guess you could say. Indra tracked down the witch who cursed us and made her break it." 

"What happened to you that summer?" She asked.


"Indra was angry at Dee. He implied that you were close to death and Dee was about to take you."


"My family and I were mugged. I got my stomach sliced open." I rubbed the scar.  

"I'm sorry." Amber said. 

"No wonder Indra was so angry then. He couldn't protect you and almost lost you." She said. Still doesn't explain why he didn't want me to meet Amber.

I crossed my arms. Does she know Indra is a vampire?

"How much do you know about Indra?" I asked slowly.

"You mean do I know he's a vampire? Yes I do." She said.

I said with relief. 

Dee walked around the couch and sat down.

"Indra's here." They said with a monotonous voice.

How could they know that? Either way I went to the door and opened it. Sure enough, Indra ws there about to knock. 

"Hi." He said.

"Hi." I said back. 

"Can we talk?" We asked.

"Yes!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him in. 

I ran with him to the steps, "we'll be back." I said to Amber and Dee.

I took Indra to my room and shut the door. 

"Okay, explain yourself please. Why didn't you want me to meet Amber?" I asked.

He stood by the foot of my bed and put his hands on his hips. 

"I see you've met Dee." He said.

"Why didn't you want me to meet Amber? Please tell me." I begged. 

Indra hung his head and sighed.

"Okay." He looked at me. "I'll tell you." 

I smiled hopefully. 

"You're very accident prone. And Dee is right here." He started. 

"If you're hurt and I can't get to you in time, you will be taken." 

LIE: AllegoryWhere stories live. Discover now