Chapter 11

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Third Person:

The lawyer came around more. Luc recognized him and began to panic. He was told it's all for the case, not to worry.

On the one night he sent Indra home, the lawyer came again. Late at night, with syringes.

He picked the locks and entered. He silently went upstairs and found Alexandria's room.

"Baby first. Him second." He thought.

He took out one of the syringes. He put it in the baby's arm and she remained asleep.

He carried her out to his car and put her in the backseat.

He went back in for Luc. He quickly jabbed the syringe into his arm and kept him asleep. He carried him to the car and put him beside Alexandria.

The lawyer got in and drove off.


Driving. Someone was driving. What is this? Something's not right.

I was so tired. I managed to open my eye.

"Hey Luc." He said. Oh god.

"Remember me?" He asked.

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

"Walter... What are you doing?" I rolled my neck and saw Alexandria, asleep.

"Why is Alexandria here?"

He didn't answer me.

What do I do? I could...

Do I grab the wheel? I looked over his shoulder.

"Walter. You have me. Let Alexandria go."

He looked in the rearview mirror.

"I can't."

Do I unlock the door and push Alexandria out? How hurt will she be?

A lot better off than what he's going to do.

"Luc?" Alexandria's small voice called.

"Hey." I tried to act as if everything was okay.

I'm going to grab the wheel. I put the seatbelt on her. I shook and the silence was pounding in my ears.

I lunged forward and grabbed the wheel. The car swerved and Alexandria screamed. Walter fought me. He won by punching me in the eye, knocking me unconscious.

When I woke up Alexandria was crying for me. I opened my eye.

She leaned over me, "are you okay?"

I nodded and sat up.

"Did he hurt you?" I asked.


"Did he touch you in anyway?"


"Luc." She whimpered. "What's going on?"

I guess Indra missed someone.

Walter Bearings. An old client of mine. I dropped him because he got a bit obsessed.

"It'll be okay." I said.

I looked around.

We were in a dark room with a slit for a window and a single room. A basement perhaps.  I was chained to the wall by my ankle.

I need to get us out of here.

Third Person:

In the morning at the Benson residence Jason asked his father a question.

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