Chapter 40

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"Erm...?" Alexandria leaned close to my face, examining me.

"Uh." I said nervously.

We sat on the couch in the living room.

"It's really incredible. There's nothing resembling a scar on your face." She said. I chuckled nervously.

"We heal quickly." I said.

"So Kai," Brian started. "He grows fast because he's a vampire?"

"Physically he has the body of an eight month old, but his mental state develops faster. I think with his strength he's able to hold himself up when he walks."

"Ah." The two said.

Jeanette sat away from us at the counter. She seemed satisfied with just remembering we're vampires.

"Indra." Brian called, serious. I looked at him. "Why didn't you fight back?"

I looked down, shaking my head.

"He almost killed you. And you were going to let him." He said.

"Long ago I made a vow to never put my hands on Luc." I answered. "I don't plan on breaking that."

I kissed the top of Kai's head. I turned and looked at the door. Although we fixed it this morning it's still damaged. The window was boarded up.

"They could come back at any time." I said. If I told the family to run I don't doubt they'd be able to find them. Might be better if we stayed.

"We need to know more about the two leaders." I thought out loud.

"How do we do that?" Alexandria asked.

"If I knew where they were I could figure that out, but I don't." Shame. "We may just have to wait for them to come back."

I shook my head. Luc...

"Would anyone like breakfast?" We all turned to Jeanette. She was standing up. "I mean, we haven't eaten." She said. I appreciate her bravery this morning.

Kai babbled.

"Food...Indra what do you eat? What about Kai?" Alexandria asked.

"I drink blood. Kai drinks mine and eats human food." I answered.

"Cool." She nodded.

"Speaking of, I should feed him." I said. Kai held onto my arms, staring at the tv. It wasn't on, I think he likes seeing his reflection.

I stood up and took Kai upstairs to Luc's old room. We sat on the bed and I cut my wrist open.

Kai perked up and latched onto me. I smiled. At least he's healthy.

When he was done he didn't try to copy me. He didn't want more either.

I tilted my head to look at his face.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Not like he'd answer. Maybe he senses something is awry. My poor son.

"Let's go." I said standing up.

We went back downstairs. Jeanette was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Brian and Alexandria still sat on the couches.

I handed Kai to Alexandria and went into the kitchen.

"Would you like help?" I asked Jeanette.

"No Indra." She answered. I nodded and went back into the living room. Alexandria played with Kai's hands. He babbled and clapped his hands. A saddened smile crept onto my face.

"What do we do about Lucy and Ezra?" Jeanette asked.

"I don't know. I can just use my powers on them." I said.

Maybe they'll be safe.

Third Person:

"You didn't tell us there was another vampire in your family, Number 7." The suited man, Claude, said.

The buff vampire, Jamie, used his powers causing Luc to writhe around in pain, craddling his head.

The room they were in was tiled. Tiles for floors, tiles for walls, tiles, for ceilings. The wall had chains bolted to it, handcuffs hanging down. There was a two-way mirror on the wall opposite of the three.

"Tell us everything we need to know about him." Claude ordered as Jamie stopped his influence.

Luc shook his head, shutting his eyes.

"No?" He questioned. "Jamie. Make sure he speaks." Claude walked out of the door and into the control room behind the mirror. The door slid open and he walked into the hallway.

"Number 7 still refuses to speak?" An assistant asked.

"He knows the mission. He hesitates. I'll whip him into shape." Claude said.

"I'll find a vampire with the power of mind reading. Just what the team needs. With a mind reader we can get into the heads of any criminal and stop them."

"Yes. A vampire with mind powers is just what we need."

In another tiled observation room a girl was chained to the wall by her wrists, sitting on her knees with her head hung. She had brown short hair and wore a dark bodysuit.

"Andira. I'm sending you with Number 7 and the others next time." Claude said through the mic. He turned to his assistant. "Get her ready."

Andira looked up, smiling a small wicked smile.

"Are we going to kill Number 7's family?"

"Yes. His was the last on the list." Claude answered.

"I can help!" She smiled happily.

"Your only job is to help make sure they don't escape. Number 7 will do the killing."

"Aw." Andira whined.

Claude walked out of the control room and returned to the door with a "7" painted on it.

"Did he speak?" Claude asked as he turned on the mic.

"No." Jamie turned, revealing a bloody and trembling Luc. The knife in Jamie's hand was bloody. "And I've tried everything." The cuts and gashes on Luc's body did not heal.

"If he won't speak..." Claude muttered.

"I can make it official." Jamie said, grabbing Luc's jaw, raising the knife.

"No." Claude ordered. "Leave it be. Everything will reveal itself in time." Jaime turned completely to the mirror with his hands out.

"So I can't cut out his tongue?"

"Mm." Claude thought about it, then Number 7's failures. "Go ahead. Make sure it hurts."

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