Chapter 42

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Claude sat at his desk. He pondered after ending a call. He pushed a button and called an assistant, "bring Number 7 to my office."

The office was made of wood; dark mahogany, a contrast to the white halls and bland rooms outside the office. The desk had no pictures, no keepsakes. There were no chairs except for Claude's. The shelves lined against the walls had no books. Only binders of test subject's data. 

Five minutes passed. The door to Claude's office opened and in walked two male assistants with Number 7 in chains. 

"Leave us." Claude ordered. They thought he must be crazy; Jamie is not here to protect him.

The two nodded and left. 

"I have a mission for you. Succeed and you'll be in my good graces again. Fail: you die." He started immediately.

"The mission: some cops are against what we are doing. Your job is to go to each state, gather them, and kill them. When we expand to the other continents I expect the same resistance. You will do the same thing; kill them. Now go. The helicopter and pilot are at your disposal. Start wherever you'd like. If you are not back in five days, Jamie will be sent to kill you." 

Number 7 nodded. The chains were split in half and fell to the floor. Number 7 donned his trench coat, black pants, and boots and headed out.

From a fence he watched the ocean splash. 

"Number 7." The helicopter pilot called. He turned his head. "We're ready."


"Crazy." Alexandria muttered.

A day after everything, we heard on the news about police precincts all over the country being destroyed with police still inside. They started at the west coast and moved east. I'm worried for Ezra. What if he's in his precinct when they destroy it?

I already had a good idea of who was behind it. It makes sense, some police officers might not like being replaced. 

My eye had healed, but it was interesting to see the world as Luc sees it.

"Indra?" Jeanette called. I looked back. "Can I speak to you privately?" 

I nodded and went outside with her.

"Am I going to turn into a vampire? This is the second time you've given me your blood in a short period of time." She said.

I shook my head.

"How can you be sure?" She asked.

"A vampire must bleed into a human's cut." I said.

"Oh." She said. "Well, thanks."

I nodded and we went back inside.

In Luc's old room Kai stood on my lap as I sat against the headboard. Kai's little head tilted and he reached out to touch my cheek.

His tiny hand touched my cheek and a tear welled up. Maybe he can sense how stressed I am. The tear fell and Kai leaned forward and grabbed my hair then leaned against my face. I held him tight.

"I'll get you your father back. I promise."

Days passed and more precincts were destroyed. 

They're coming.

 "When they come here," I started. "I'll go out. See if I can stop them."

Brian and Jeanette looked up at me. 

"But, you're talking about several precincts! How do you know which one to go to first?" Jeanette questioned.

"I don't. I have to try." I answered. I stood up. "At this rate, they'll be here soon." I should go tonight.

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