Chapter 48

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It is night when we arrive in the US.

"What's going on?" I asked out loud as we drove slowly through a blockade. Luc looked away. The military is here. They put up checkpoints seemingly on every street.

The streets were ugly. Buildings were partially destroyed, trash was on the ground, cars were destroyed. What happened here?

When they stopped us Luc panicked silently. "It's okay."

I rolled down the window as an officer lowered himself.

"Where are you heading?" He asked us.

"Home." I answered.

"Where is home?" He asked. I told him and he gave me a look.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Go on." Was all he said. Okay...

I took my foot off the brake and we eased forward.

"Indra." Luc called after a while.

"It'll be okay. We just need to get home." I said. He said nothing for the remainder of the ride.

It's pretty late when we arrive. The family is probably asleep.

We get out of the car. I hear nothing. Yeah, they're asleep.

"Let's be quiet." I said to Luc.

He looked down, petrified. I took his hand and pulled him to the porch.

I used my key and opened the door as quietly as I could. We went inside. It was dark and silent. I closed the door and locked it back. I led Luc upstairs to his room. We entered and closed the door, turning on the lights.

Luc had tears in his eye. "What is it?" I asked holding his arms.

"I..." He gasped. He shook his head and wiped his tears.

"I just need rest." He whispered. I doubt that.

"Just tell me." I whispered. He shook his head again and laid on the side of the bed closest to the window.

I turned out the lights and laid beside him. I held him closely and securely.

In the morning we woke up when the household became active. I sat up with Luc and held his hand.

With my free hand I touched his cheek. "What's eating you? Will you tell me?"

"I...shouldn't be here." He said.

"This is your family. You belong here."

"Not if I hurt them that bad." He whispered. "I..."

"It'll be okay." I said. "We'll all talk later."

I stood up and went to the door. I opened it and looked into the hall. No one was around. I could hear dishes clattering downstairs. I went into the hall and walked to Jeanette and Brian's room. They weren't there, but I could see a small circle of pillows in the middle of the bed.

I left and went to the top of the stairs.

"Jeanette?" I called as I started to go down.

"Indra!" She called when I entered the living room. "When did you get in?"

"Late last night." I answered.

Alexandria and Denny sat in the dining room eating breakfast. Where is Kai?

I turned around as Brian walked up to me. He held Kai in his arms. Kai slightly perked up when he saw me. I smiled, relieved to see him. He looks healthy, happy.

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