Chapter 37

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Neighbors. Not used to that. We got an interesting complaint. I was heading out with Kai in his carrier stroller thing, I was calling Luc on the phone; got his voicemail.

"Hey. We got a very interesting complaint. A neighbor saw us this morning." I then chuckled nervously. "We forgot to close the blinds. We're spoiled. Anyway, we're on our way to the restaurant. Hope the interview went well. Love you." I hung up and carried Kai down the stairs.

I rolled him down the sidewalk to the driveway, unlocked the door to the silver Honda and opened the backdoor. I put Kai in his seat and fastened the buckles. He chewed on his hand. I smiled and closed the door. After collapsing the stroller I put it in the trunk and got in the car.

"Okay. Here we go." I said to Kai. Lord, I have a son. After four hundred years, I finally have a child. Luc...

After parking I got out and put Kai's stroller together and rolled him in front of the restaurant. Luc's not here. We were supposed to meet here. Maybe he went inside.

Inside was small. A diner. Not many people. I looked around. Not here.

"Mm." I moaned in confusion.

We left and stood outside. I pulled out my phone and called my husband. It dialed and I stood still until I heard ringing from behind the diner. Oh dear.

Should I be taking Kai with me? We walked behind the diner. I saw Luc's phone on the ground. I left Kai momentarily to pick it up. The screen showed my missed calls. I don't think he's okay. What do I do? He wouldn't leave without saying anything; someone took him. I should take Kai to his grandparents and look for Luc.

"Thank you, thank you!" I said nervously, gratefully to my in-laws as I gave them the stroller.

"It's no problem, but what's going on?" Brian asked as he took the stroller in the house.

"Just have a few errands to run." Even though I hate lying it certainly comes easily. "I'll be back in a few hours." I smiled goodbye and left.

I drove down the street.

Luc's been gone for a few hours at least; I couldn't smell him at or near the restaurant. Where do I begin? Maybe there are cameras at the restaurant. I'll have to check.

"Just as I thought." I muttered as I stared at the cameras behind the restaurant. They were off, not showing life.

I looked around. No cameras, no witnesses. He is gone. Maybe I should ask around. I don't know. I don't know what to do.

I left the podunk alley and stood on the sidewalk. People passed by. Some bumped into me.

What must I do to find my husband?


Again, I was driving. Clutching the steering wheel tightly. The sky darkened as I drove down the desolate road, completed with arched trees.

If anyone has an idea of what happened to Luc it's Brahms.

After driving up the arched driveway and parking I stepped out of the car.

Brahms' mansion. It is shrouded with dark trees. Stark opposite of mine; deep red and wide. Well maintained. The roofs were pointed and round.

I looked at the two doors. Dark and unused. I went up the concrete stairs and knocked on the door. The door was thick, it echoed.

The doors opened and Brahms grabbed my shirt. I gasped as he pulled me into the mansion.

He put me behind him and shut the doors, locking them.

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