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(Stan's POV)

"Dude, so," I spoke, rather nervously. Kenny shuffled, sliding underneath the blankets. He grinned tiredly, the light from the moon illuminating his features. ", are we a couple now?"

Kenny's actions lingered, his eyes darting up and down at me. He then pulled me against him, his arm resting between my side and eblow. "You have no idea how long I've actually wanted this." He tilts his head, kissing me softly on the lips. He runs a hand through my ruffled hair. "So, yeah. I'd say yes."

My gaze dropped. "There is one thing I'm afraid of."

Ken froze. I could feel his eyes looking at me in a concerned way. I could almost see his eyebrows knitting together. "What is it?"

"My parents." I grimaced.

He was frozen for a moment, awkwardly averting his eyes to the wall. He stuck his bottom lip out in thought. "I doubt they'd care."

In all honesty, my hopes were lifted up a little. Thinking about it, he was probably right. Yet, the idea of coming out to my parents sent my stomach in knots. Ken flashed a dorky smile.

"I kinda want to do it tomorrow, to be honest. I'm nervous. Can you do the talking?" I asked, in hope.

His fingers drew circles on my back and he let out a laugh. "Yeah, of course." He pressed his forehead against my own, and I could feel his breath on me. "Let's go to sleep."


With blurry sight, I rolled over to glance at the alarm clock.

It was 11:13 AM.

Meaning, not only did we sleep in, but I was going to come out to my parents soon. I felt as if my stomach did a flip. I turned back over to the blond, watching for a brief moment, then I ran a hand through his tousled hair.

His eyes fluttered open, then greeted me with a smile, "Good morning."


We both sat at the table, drowning in deafening silence. Mom was cooking eggs, and I believe she mentioned toast too. Kenny sat with his hands splayed on the table, biting his lip. I could feel the discomfort radiating off of him. I wonder if he could sense my stress the same way I could sense his feelings. I let out a sigh and watched as my mother set two plates down at the table. She glanced at the two of us as we timidly grabbed our plates and set them before us.

"If you need anything, let me know." She said, before turning and almost walking out the door.

"Um, actually..." I began, having the biggest urge to cringe and wince. But with my best straight face I could muster, I gestured towards the seat. "Mom, can you sit down?"

Her brows furrowed for a brief moment, before she nodded and sat down. I gave Kenny a look that informed him to go on. He knew I couldn't do it.

"Sharon, all I'm gonna say is that Stan and I are together. And before you say anything, we're really happy together and I love him so much." A light blush coated his cheeks in embarrassment, but it was I who was dealing with a complete flush of heat.

I looked up at my mother, trying to decode what facial expression was on her face. She just smiled. "Okay. Uh, it doesn't bother me. Stanley, you could of just told me."

My heart was beating really fast. I still felt unsettled. I still had to talk to my father. Fuck, my sister and the kids in my school... I just want to be accepted.

I felt tears rush to my eyes. I couldn't even stop it. The pressure was beginning to get to me and silence continued to linger around the room. It felt like it was too much. My mother got up from her chair and pulled me up from my seat, and into a hug. I sank into her hold, choking out a sob. "I love you." She muttered.

"I love you too."

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