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[Kenny's POV]

   "So, what's she like?" Kyle asked, inching farther away from my direction, his shoulders inches apart from the fat brunet's. We were all underneath Cartman's blankets by now. Nobody knew how we could all squish our asses in one bed, but we clearly achieved it.

   Stan's fingers grasped around my own tighter, gaining a stronger and discreet hold. "Kyle, I'm done talking."

  The redhead sighed and gave him a tired look. I was on the other side of Stan, but I was propped up on my arm to catch a clear view.

   I let go of his hand, trailing my finger up and down his torso. He did nothing but groan. It was impossible to see what I was doing, but it was clear to see that something was up.

    "You okay, Stan?" Cartman asked, sneering at the slightest. It was awful to know that I had caused him to awkwardly hum like that.

   Stan shifted his leg. "Ngh, yeah."


   Kyle lifted a brow and shook his head. Before turning around and facing the opposing direction. Cartman turned his lamp off, causing darkness to overcome the light. There was a shade of light cascading through the window, reflecting off the moon. That was enough light to give me the outline of Stan's features.


   "Dude, that wasn't cool." He whispered, a chuckle was present from under his breath. I could just barely make out the smirk.

  He pressed his lips softly against mine, intertwining his fingers with my hair. I licked his bottom lip, before entering and brushing my tongue along his own. It was very slow, avoiding any shaking of the bed or sound to accidentally escape.

   I repeated my previous action and trailed fingers down his torso. I was grasping at his shirt, as our lips moved in unison.


  "Stan, Kenny! Get your asses up!"

  With my eyes fluttering open with ease, I peered up to see a worried Kyle. He has a hand gripping his hair and his bottom lip red from biting down to hard.

    "Err.. Cartman. He's at the hospital." He motioned to the direction that the hospital was located towards. His eyes looked coated with tears.

  "With who?" I asked, sitting upwards.

    He shrugged. As soon as a tear fled down his cheek, he turned from embarrassment and wiped it with the back of his hand. "His mother."

   Stan, looking half asleep, pulled the boy into a hug. "He's fine. Cartman is always fine."

  This was the first time I've ever seen Kyle cry over that soulless brunet. He is such an ass and definitely the last person I'd be crying over.

   "You don't get it, don't you?" He sobbed and left Stan's hold. "I'm fucking gay for Cartman."

   Well, I basically already knew that. It was no surprise to me. I don't recall that sucking dick signifies friendship. Because if it did, Stan would only be my friend.


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