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  [Stan's POV]

  With wind roughly sweeping against my face and my wrist being pulled aggressively, I'd say that we are heading towards Kenny's house.

  "You okay?" I asked the blond, as I was swept onto his property. A grunt was his response, abruptly running up to the doorstep and twisting the door handle.

   To be honest, I felt a source of empathy and guilt when it came to the lifestyle Kenny lived through. He still had a bigger frame compared to me, which made me feel grateful that he wasn't left hungry all the time.

   Entering the musky atmosphere, we passed through the living room and into the hall. He made an abrupt turn and swung into his room. Letting the grip from my wrist go, he locked the door.

  His room had an orange tint, a stray ray of sunlight warmed the bedsheets. He still had his posters of bikini-clad women that overlayed a fraction of the wall. This room was nothing but Kenny's personality.

  "Dude, are you okay?" I ask, once again.

   His half-lidded eyes beamed at me with hunger. I felt a wave of endearment as he did so, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Cartman is an asshole."

    He let out a shaky breath, leaning in and softly locked his lips with mine. It was no longer a secret that we liked one another, it was about time we expressed it.

    Parting for air, he thumbs at the waistband of my jeans. The action causes me to stumble back and hit the side of the bed with my leg.

   "Stan?" He asks, questioning my hesitation.

   I shake my head, and kiss him gently. For myself, I shake my jeans and boxers off my hips. I kick them into a heap nearby.

   I began to palm off his pants, sliding my fingers into the little space that his pants allowed. He steps back a foot, and wiggles them off his legs himself. "Allow me."

   By the time we have no clothing whatsoever, I'm pinned on the bed with a pair of lips working down my neck.  "Ke-nny."

   "Shhh, my parents are in the next room." He whispers, the sound of his voice vibrates against my neck.

  I'm getting to the point where I think he's just teasing me beyond belief. I push him off my stomach and give him a serious look in the eye. "Kenny, just do it already."

  Not a muscle moves a mere inch for a total of 5 seconds, plus the time I took to inform the blond to what I was talking about. Nonetheless, he stood there dumbfounded.

   "Kenny, dude, fuck me." I blurt, his face parades of number of facial expressions that are worth laughing at.

   "Stanley, I'd think it'd hurt." He assures, sitting up, still between my legs. I frown at his stubbornness.

  I brush a lock of raven hair behind my ear as I look at him helplessly. In all honesty, I've never seen him not want to fuck something.

  "Please, I'm pretty sure you've got lubricant." I beg, grabbing his arm and tugging on it with hope he'd obey. "Do it for me. I want to feel you."

   He perks his lips and tilts his head in thought. A moment later, he's leaning over to his night stand and grabbing a bottle of lube.

   He pushes my legs up, cocking a brow. "If I hurt you, don't blame me. I don't want to hurt you, man."

   I nod and continue to watch the blond as he dips a set of fingers into the bottle, then leaning over and putting it on the floor. With little warning, to my surprise, I felt two digits press into me. It felt foreign, but I was still up for it.

    "You okay?" This time, he asked.

    Before biting my lip, I blurted. "Do it."

   It wasn't long until I felt his fingers disappear and get replaced with a larger object. His eyes fluttered down as he pushed inward.

   I'll admit, there was pain. But it wasn't pain that you'd scream for. It was a brief sting that was soon replaced by pleasure.

   A few minutes in, I was screaming Kenny's name.

    "Shhh.. Stan, remember that my parents are here." He whispered. The guilt he felt earlier, was now gone, he got into the lust a few minutes in.

   That was until I finally came, a moment later, he did too. But, it was a screaming fit that I'm positive that his neighbors heard.

  Shit happens. . .

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