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[Cartman's POV]

   Apparently Kyle wanted Stan, Kenny and I to sleep over his house. There's only 3 days of school left, I shouldn't be celebrating like this. But, I'm here anyway, despite the awkward encounter we had yesterday.

    I enter without knocking, receiving an odd glare from Sheila, who is on the couch watching 'The Big Bang Theory'. Jesus, I hate that fuck of a show. "Where's Kyle?" I ask, trying to seem innocent.

    "Upstairs." She gestures towards the staircase. "Knock next time, though."

    I curse under my breath, climbing up the stairs. Murmurs are heard from his room already. I see Stan and Kenny here, alongside Kyle who is sitting on his bed.

    "Hey fatass." Stan greets, craning his head in my direction.

    "Hey dickbreath." I retort swiftly. I catch Kyle looking at me with an eyebrow cocked. He looks annoyed.

    I sit between Kenny and Stan, across from Kyle. The redhead's eyes are glued onto me, until Kenny starts speaking. "Why does the room always become silent when bitchtits walks in?"

    I roll my eyes and say sarcastically, "Cause, I'm too hot to handle."

    The blond snorts and digs through his string backpack. He brings out a huge bottle with the words 'EVERCLEAR' sprawled across the front.

   "Oh, no." Stan says, eyes widened. "Dude, where the hell did you get that?"

    He shrugs and untwists the preopened cap, already pouring a shot. "It was in my parents room." He sets the bottle down and shuffles through his bag to reveal a tube of fucking lube. "So was this."

    "Aw, dude." Stan wrinkles his nose in disgust. "Why the hell would you bring that?"

    He wiggles his eyebrows in a seductive way and hands Stan a shot. "We are gonna watch you get drunk."


    I'm laughing my fucking ass off. It hurts, Jesus, I can't breathe. I didn't realize how strong that alcohol was, until Stan was at his second shot and flopping all over the place.

    Kyle is wheezing and I don't blame him. Stan looks ridiculous and he's drunkenly wrapped around Kenny, cooing him and playing with his hair.

   "I- I , ah, I can't breathe." I muster, shaking on the floor.

   Kenny is smiling like a pervert when the drunken boy pecks him on the cheek.

     "Look what you did to him." Kyle says, still laughing under his breath. "And it looks like your enjoying it."

     The blond remains smiling. "This stuff is so strong, that he can't even understand us."

   We watch him in utter silence as Kenny takes advantage of the poor boy, basically molesting Stan's mouth. It's so quite that I can hear my heart thumping against my chest.

   "Ahh, Jesus." Kenny moans.

   I shake my head and pull Stan off of the blond. "This is wrong." I swing the drunken boy over my shoulder.

    "No, I want Kenneh." He slurrs from behind me and starts fisting my back.

    "Let's go downstairs." I offer, walking out of Kyle's room. I put my foot on the first step, waiting for the rest of the group to follow. Kyle walks out, then the pervert, who is walking funny.

     Kenny storms into the bathroom. "I'll be out in about 5 minutes."

    Kyle rolls his eyes and gestures me to walk downstairs. I do so, to see Sheila still propped up and the couch, watching another humorless television show.

   "Hey mom, can we steal the living room?" Her son asks, sounding as polite as possible.

     "Sure, bubby." She says handing the remote to Kyle. Her eyes slowly make their way over to me. "What happened to Stanley?'

    I swallow hard. "He's just tired and all." 

    She seems to buy it as I set Stan down on the couch. Her gaze leaves us and she begins to trudge upstairs.


We are all on the couch, except for Stan, who literally tumbled off of it. He's sleeping and I'm trying to prevent myself from doing so. Kenny is passed out, leaving Kyle and I watching Terrance and Phillip. We are just staring, I got less funny about an hour ago, when the tiredness began to kick in.

    "You still awake?" The redhead asks, nudging me in the shoulder.

    I groan. "Barely."

    A minute later, I feel myself falling in the trance of sleep.

South Park: Thought To Be Opposites [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now