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[Ky's POV]

  Out of breath, I slumped over and took in the feeling of the cool sheets against my bare back. My eyes raised up to Eric's as he gave me a warming smile.

   "Kyle, you don't know how hot you look right now." He said it effortlessly, his orbs steaming in lust. My face blew up in warmth as a response.

  He chuckled as I stupidly averted my gaze to anything but his face. He rubbed his forehead against my shoulder.

   "Hmm... I wonder what Kenny and Stan are doing." He thought aloud, his brows furrowed and lips pursed in thought. He sucked in a breath before speaking again. "Want me to invite them over and apologize?"

   He was kind of a douche to them, but that was only because he wanted to drive them away. It worked, but I feel like a dick as well.

   "Yep, tell them I'll order a pizza." I groaned, midst stretching my arms and sitting up. I looked at the floor to see discarded articles of clothing scattered across the room. Retrieving my half, I got dressed and watched Eric dial Stan's number.


  30 minutes later, we ended up in Eric's living room, Stan and Kenny present, with large pizza on the coffee table. Exhausted, I slumped over onto Eric's side. "You guys want to do something?" I asked in the midst of a yawn.

   Stan, sitting on the floor and hugging his knees, awkwardly craned his head around and looked at me. "Can we just talk?"

   Since Eric got a new couch that held a maximum of three people, Stan was forced to sit on the carpet. Despite that, he stood up and climbed over Kenny and I. He sat on the blond's lap and stretched his legs over Eric and I's.

   "Jesus, Stan." The brunet complained and bluntly poked at his feet. "What the hell?"

  He just smiled in a devious manner, the light of the television slightly illuminating his facial features. He crossed his legs and rested his his head against Kenny's chest.

  "What do you want to talk about?" He asked. I uncomfortably shifted under the noirette's weight. Discreetly, I grabbed Eric's hand and squeezed it warmly with my digits. I noticed that he had flinched, then slyly grinned.

   "How's the thing between you and Wendy going?" I blurted without realizing he may still have a sore spot for her.

   "I don't care anymore. She's pregnant and I don't give two shits. Besides, I'm already with somebody else." He gives me a crooked smile, and tucks a lock of raven hair behind his ear.

   I can't make out his emotion. He seems giddy, relaxed and tired at the same time. It's only 3 in the afternoon and we're all sleepy. "Is it that blonde chick?" I ask.

   He gives me a wider, cheeky grin. "Yep."

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