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[Kyle's POV]

  Why me? Why am I the one that always wakes up in an embarrassing situation?

    I'm freaking hugging Cartman. He's laying down on his back and I'm there, on top of him. I realize that my lips were probably brushing his neck.

   I unwrap my arms from his sides and sit up on his groin. Attempting to get off, I rock back and forth instead.

   And... shit. I woke him up.

   "The hell you think you're doing?" He asks through the sleepy slits of his eyes. He uses a hand to brush his bangs out of face.

   I find myself still sitting on top of him, still not moving a muscle. I watch as his face has a parade of facial expressions, before locking eye contact with me. My face burns in embarrassment.

   His brows furrow. "Are you blushing?"

   My mind tries to generate an excuse, but the only sound that comes out of my mouth is a displeased whimper.

   "Get up." He instructs, rather bluntly.

  He swallows hard as I carefully hoist myself off of him and step onto the carpet. "Where's Stan and Kenny?" He asks, sitting up.

    I shrug and begin to walk up the stairs, only to find my door locked. Cartman followed me up and gives me a confused look as I pucker my lips in thought. He presses his ear up against the door. "I don't hear anything." He whispers.

   He pounds on the door, causing the surrounding walls to shake. "Anybody in there?"

     There is some shuffling, a pause and then a click to the door unlocking. In our view, Kenny stands there, with his hands behind his back. He offers a crooked smile before backing up to let us in. "Why'd you lock the door, Kenny?"

   He sighs. "I- I was getting dressed."

   There is a pause of silence, but Cartman breaks the belonging moment. "Where the hell is Stan?"

     The blond gestures to behind him and blurts. "In the closet."

   Eric snickers.

   He rolls his eyes and looks at the immature boy in a dead serious way. "He ran in there because he was in the middle of changing."

   Cartman bits his lip before speaking again. "Changing?"

    The closet door creeks open, revealing a shirtless Stan. He throws his shirt on the floor and mutters. "I was also getting dressed." 

   I give Cartman a disproving look and swallows nervously.

    "What happened to your shirt?" I ask, noticing his brown crumpled up jacket on the floor. "You can wear it again, you know."

    He nods and slowly leans over to pick it up. "It's stained."

    I notice Kenny has fallen in a trance, looking in Stan's direction. "You can burrow one of mine."

     The blond picks up his bag, and pulls a white t-shirt from the mass of items he has. He hands it to Stan and he pulls it over his head. "Thanks, dude."

  Cartman scratches the back of his neck. I can feel his discomfort radiating off of him. "Anyway, Bebe told me to invite you fags to a party."

   Kenny's eyes light up. "Really? When?"

    "It's tomorrow, but I was told to invite you guys last week." 

   Stan has a blank facial expression. "Tomorrow is Sunday."

     "We're all ditching the last day of school, you guys."


   Kenny and Cartman left an hour ago. Stan and I were in my room. I was in my bed and he was sprawled out across the floor.


   "Yeah." He answers, craning his head towards me.

   "Are you looking around yet?" I ask, purposely giving miminal detail.


   I sigh. "Do you have a crush yet?"

   He pauses and looks up at the ceiling in thought. "Yeah."

   His response makes me jump up. "Who is she?"

  He freezes and closes his eyes for a brief moment, only to look up at me and engage eye contact. "I'm not going to tell you."


    "I can describe her." He offers.

    "Please." I say, sounding more like a beg.

     His eyes flutter around the room and fail in concentration. "She's pretty, blonde and a great kisser. I'm almost absolutely sure that she likes me, because she is the one making me notice her."

    My mind goes blank. Is he talking about Bebe? I never would of thought that he would develop a crush on her.

   "Is it Bebe?"

     He gives me an ensuring look that it isn't Bebe. "Hell no." He shifts to his side. "You probably wouldn't guess it correctly."

   We both sink into the belonging silence for quite some time. I decide to break the pattern. "Well, I've got a new crush."

    I don't know why I said that, because I would never confess to Stan that I like Cartman.

  He doesn't answer, so I speak up. "I can't tell you, I know I'll regret it."

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