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[Kyle's POV]

   Okay, okay... I know what I'm doing isn't the most polite thing to do, but I swear Stan is acting so fucking weirdly.

   I'm not just wandering in here with no permission. Sharon invited me in and gave me the okay to wake Stan.

   So, standing before Stan's closed door, I knock softly and press my ear up against the door to listen. I hear an abrupt move of a blanket and nothing else.

   I cautiously grab the doorknob, and slowly turn it so it won't cause any disruptions. To my amaze, it actually opened. Pushing the door forward, I crane my head so I can get a glimpse of inside his bedroom.

    Kenny must've slept over, but for the reason why they were both shirtless in one bed made me question things. I sneered.

    Reluctantly, I stepped in...


  Curiosity killed the cat.

    "What the hell were you doing in my bedroom? I thought my door was locked!" The noirette's face flared red, his brows furrowed with a glint of exhaustion in his eye.

   "Why are you so fucking angry? It doesn't bother me. And no, the door wasn't locked." I honestly felt kind of bad, but Cartman has a part roll in this too.

   "You invaded my privacy, Kyle. Not cool. What do you want from me?" Stan was just standing there yelling at me, as Kenny sat upright on his bed just staring at us. He looked pretty damn pissed too.

   "Dude, I'm sorry."

    He flipped me off angrily and sighed. I just continued to look down at him and he continued to look up at me. "I can't take your apology."

   "Why n-"

    "Just keep your mouth shut, okay?" He said, giving me that totally unoriginal Stan glare. "That means no telling Cartman either."

    "I'm well aware."

   Stan rolled his eyes and averted his gaze to the floor. He looked completely mortified and somewhat shaky. He looked as if he was on the verge of bursting into tears.

    "Stan?" I called.

    "Ugh, just get out please." He muttered, waving me off.


  "So, what happened?" Cartman asked, reclined back in his chair with his leg propped up with a pillow.

   I kissed him softly. " I don't even know. "



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