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[Kyle's POV]

    I gleamed at the phone and sneered. That probably was one of the biggest dick moves I've made all week. I'll admit, I do want things the way they were and have everything straightened out. Although it'd put Stan and Ken in a different spotlight, it would still take all the stress off. Just thinking about this situation makes me stress out. Which is only because I don't want Stan to turn on me. He practically knows me inside and out and I have so many valuable memories that consist his presence.

   I tuck a curl behind my ear, glancing over at Cartman. He was silent and asleep. It wasn't even 5 yet, and still school has knocked the life out of him.

    That's when my phone came to my attention yet again. Stan hadn't called back or texted me since I've hanged up on him, and that was very unusual behavior coming from a person like him. Now that I think of it, he's either balling his eyes out or basically not giving two shits anymore. I can see him doing either one to be honest.

    With effort, I hauled myself off of Cartman's couch and scratched behind my ear. All I need at the moment is to talk to Kenny and only Kenny. He's been the only person I've seen around Stan, so it might make it easier to get things even that way. I grabbed my phone, dialed the blond's number and exited Eric's house.

    As it rung, I glared up into the dull  sky. It looked so gray and dead. There has been no sign of "good" weather this summer and it still isn't improving.

  The phone beeped.

   "What do you want?" Kenny breathed into the phone. I wasn't even near him, yet I could feel his heavy breathing on me. I cringed.

   "Can you meet me at that old playground? I wanna talk to you in private. Please don't tell anybody."

   He offered me a moment of silence before replying with a, "I'm kind of in the middle of something."

    I sighed and began to walk over in the direction of the playground. I was determined to talk to him, and when I'm determined, I get it done. "Ken, please."

    He huffed, and by the way he did it, he seemed agitated. "Alright, I'll go. See you in like 5 minutes."

   He hung up before I could give a reassuring answer. I just shook it off and began jogging over.


    I sat on a bench, tiredly looking up at Kenny's lengthy form heading my way. His head hang low, with his hands stuffed in his pockets. His hair was messy and stuck up in all directions. He looked like he had just rolled out of bed. Perhaps he was napping like Cartman.

   "I'm here." He announced sarcastically, forcing a closed mouth smile. He sat on the other side of the bench, which was a good 3 feet away from me.

    "Yeah, hi." I greeted. I didn't bother looking over at him. My line of sight remained to drift off about in the sky. "Look, I'm sorry."

   "Oh. That's something you should say to Stan, not me. Even though I do accept your apology, Stan might not." With the corner of my eye, I saw his head turn and face me. You could hear the mere seriousness in his voice, which made stiffen in discomfort.

    "I'm going to apologize tomorrow, I swear." I say, lifting my hands up in surrender. He nods and looks back down at the ground, folding his arms.

   He sighs. "Is this all you wanted to talk about? We could of done this over the phone, y'know."

    "Um, no. I have questions." I answer. He looks back up at me with a glint of amusement in his eyes. My lips fell into a thin line.

    "Which are?"

     I rubbed my forehead in embarrassment. He just continued to glare at me as if he didn't have a clue on the subject I wanted to get on. "Are you and Stan a thing?"

    His cheeks warmed a light pink, but he brushed it off with, "He hasn't brought anything up about dating, but I'd say so."

  I replied with nothing but, "Oh." He offered a smile and a shrug. You could legitimately feel the awkward tension eroding against our shoulders. I sighed. "Does Stan hate me?"

    He shook his head, chuckling under his breath. He pushed a few locks behind his ear when answering.  "He's a little aggravated, but he doesn't hate you."



      That's when a moment of thinking back, struck me with a wave of realization. "Wait, so, when Stan was talking about meeting this blonde chick, he ment you? "

    He grinned, laughing. "Wow, uh, I guess so." Standing up, he extended his arms to stretch and paused for a monent. "I'm gonna head back over my house, so, I'll see you tomorrow."

   I nodded, standing up as well. My feet felt numb. "You're not going to tell Stan this, are you?"

    He scrunched his nose and shook his head. He brought his fist out and let it linger for a bit, which of course, I bumped it with my own and he offered a half grin. Shrugging, he spoke, "Bye."


    Huh, that was short...

   And easy.

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