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[Cartman's POV]

Setting my tray down at the table, I sneered looking up to see Stan and Kenny sitting clearly in my view. They face us, although their attention is more focused on their phones, rather than their surroundings. I'm positive that Kyle picked up on this when I was in line to get lunch. "Oh, look, a perfect view of two ignorant assholes."  I say sarcastically.

    Kyle looks up and waves it off, peering back down at what I think is a Kosher sandwich. "You do realize that we're assholes too, right?" He asks, then runs a hand threw his hair to push over his curls.

    "Um... not really." I mutter, sitting down.

   He shrugs, giving me half an eye roll. The look on his face tells me he's irritated, but he's not in the mood to fight. "I guess it's a matter of perspective. It's either we apologize or we force them to apologize."

    I gave him a blank look and pursed my lips. I sighed before answering."Of course I want them to apologize to us, now make them."

   He shrugs. "Okay." As of then, drops his sandwich and mashes his lips against mine and I hault in surprise. Kyle? In school? My eyes are wide in alert, scanning for nearby teachers, which don't seem present at the moment. I then look at Stan and Kenny, which are now to the left of me and it looks as if Kenny was the only one paying attention. He pulled a sneer, yet continued to stare. Stan didn't even show a hint to peer off his phone.

   Kyle pulled me in by the lip and ran a hand threw my hair. He tasted like a Kosher sandwich, and to be honest, it didn't taste all that bad. Kyle's breathing became heavy, as of mine staying the same. I'm not sure if he's trying to become more dramatic, but he's definitely trying to drag me in to get more into it. I seperated and crane my head around the room. Not only have we succeeded in attracting the eyes of Stan and Kenny's, we have about a fourth of the grade peering at us. I let out a nervous laugh, before Kyle crawls over and tackles me on the lips again.


   "You two are an object?"

    "So, you're dating Kyle?"

    "You're gay?"

     "I thought you two hated each other. What happened?"

    I pushed through the mass of people that had built around me since we were dismissed from lunch. I saw my locker from a distance, I just couldn't get to it. The only thing I heard was the sound of questioning my choices. I felt anger rush through me and I decided it was best to just let it all out.

   "Yes! Jesus! Kyle and I are dating, now would you all move it? Damn." I raised my voice loud enough so that practically the Senior hall could hear it, and they're all the way on the other end of the school. I felt my face warm at the fact that I had caused everyone to become completely quiet. Nodding slowly, I trudged my way slowly towards the nearest bathroom.

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