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(warning - includes blowjobs :D)

[Stan's POV]

    "Stan? Stan! Wake up!"

     I rub the sleep out of my eyes. My lids feel heavy and I feel extremely nauseous.

     "Kenny, what the fuck happened?" I grimace at my own scratchy voice.

    He points over to the couch and stifles a laugh. I crane my head around to see Kyle toppled over Cartman. It is kind of funny, but kind of weird because the haven't bickered over the past few days. I try again. "What happened last night?"

    "Nothing bad." He says with his lips puckered and shakes his head.

    Nice summary, McCormick. I say to myself and use the rest of my remaining strength to push me up.

     I stumble, but catch myself on the couch. God, I feel so awful. Then it hits me... hard. My hand flies to my mouth and I attempt to make it to a toilet.

    I sprint upstairs and into the bathroom and lift the toilet seat up, letting my stomach empty all of it's contents. It's not much, but it's enough to burn the inside of my throat.

    There are footsteps behind me and I panic. Please don't be Sheila.

    "Stan. I'm sorry." It's Kenny and he crouches down and begins to rub my back. Which feels nice, because it aches from sleeping on the ground. His voice is filled with worry and it comforts me. "I should of left that stuff alone."

    I wipe my mouth with my sleeve and shake my head. "No, I took it and drank the damn thing."

    He sighs and hands me the toothbrush that I leave here. Kyle's mother pretty much gave it to me, since I used to come over every other week.

    "Thanks." I say, applying some toothpaste on it.

    He watches me as I brush my teeth in silence. He puts a hand on my shoulder "I won't do that again." He promises. "I'll look after you."

    It's kind of a weird proposal, but I don't really give a flying fuck. "Then, I'll do the same for you."

    He smiles as I spit the rest of the shit out of my mouth. Jesus, it feels strange having him watch over me like this.

    As soon as I put my toothbrush back, he grabs my wrist and drags me into Kyle's room. "What are you doing?"

    He just sits me down on his sleeping bag, that we didn't use last night, and looks me in the eye. I can't tell if he's trying to be seductive or not. "I owe you a favor."

    My headache throbs and it takes to much thought to understand what that means.

     Yet, I feel alarmed when his hand reaches for my crotch. I swat his hand away. "What are you doing?"

    He huffs and trys again, pulling my fly down and unbuttoning my jeans. I want to stop him, but I find myself sitting there and watching the process of something that probably shouldn't be happening.

    His hand crawls through my jeans and grasps my member.

   My breath hitches. "Ke-nny."

    Hearing his name, he smirks and proceeds, pulling my cock into the cold of the atmosphere.

    He slowly jerks my length, causing my whole body to jolt in pleasure. He pushes me down on my back, and crawls up, only to my hips. His hot breath warms my stomach and causes me to squirm.

       He lowers himself. The warmth of his tongue runs down the length of my shaft. "Fuck!"

    And with that, it made it worse. He looks up at me, his blue eyes shining in the ray of sunlight. As for reaching the bottom, he slowly licked his way back up.

   "You shouldn't..." I pause mid-sentence and screw my eyes shut, knowing what's happening next.

   I breathe a shaky breath.

     That only causes him to envelop my member with his mouth, sliding down at a very slow and steady pace. I never knew he was such a tease and willing to suck guys off.

     When I felt myself brush the back of his throat, he began to pick up the speed and bob his head up and down.

    Embarrassing enough, I began to pant and curse under my breath.

     I grabbed fistfulls of the blankets when I felt myself nearing my release. "Kenny! I - I'm coming."

    My warning was little too late, but he still swallowed and recovered without choking.

    He wiped his mouth the back of his hand and crawled onto my stomach, leaning down to peck me on the lips.

   Honestly, I just threw up and if I were Kenny, I wouldn't have kissed myself.

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