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[Eric's POV]

  "Stop hitting me, you Jew." I mustered, barely blocking another fist that nearly got me in the face.

  "Why? You started i-it when you comment-ed on my ass." He retorted, trying to swing at me again.

    I couldn't tell if I was blushing, but I felt a warm sensation flood over my cheeks. "Ay, it came out wrong," I lied.

    He paused mid-punch and slowly lowered his fists to his sides. He crossed his arms and shifted his weight to his right foot. "Fine. What did you mean to say?"

   I huffed and I tried to keep my line of sight on Kyle. I felt my vision quiver, but I generated words with no problem. "Jesus, I was trying to say that your character's ass was bigger than yours."

   He cocked a brow, "Dude, it still sounds gay."

    I rolled my eyes and tried my hardest to look straight. I tried to pull one of those "though guy" looks, slouched over a few degrees and lips flattened. "Fuck, I didn't mean to say anything."

   "Let's just go see what Stan and Kenny are doing."

   I followed Kyle up the stairs, leading me into Stan's room. It was dead silent the whole way up, until Kyle stopped in his tracks and put his ear to the door. "Listen." He whispers.

    The wood is bitter cold, but I concentrate on the mumbles.

    "Stop, no, you're hurting me." I hear. It sounds like Stan, but I cringe at the sight I'm imaging.

    I hear a giggle, followed by another mutter. "Stop, stop!"

    I back up as Kyle's eyes go wide. He places his hand on the handle, slowly turning until it's open a mili-fraction.

    I squint through the crack, only to see them both on the bed with a laptop sitting on their thighs.

   Stan looks at me. "Hey, you done fighting?"

   I shrug and look at Kyle. He's biting his lip and I stifle a laugh. "Sure."


   I swear to god, Stan is the heaviest sleeper in this group. I don't know why, but Kenny's been poking at him for the past hour. He's enjoying it too, grinning like a retard and touching him with his forefinger every other second.

   Anyway, seriously, I think I'm becoming gay. I mean, seriously gay. I've been starting to notice more and more clues everyday. Like right now, I have to quit staring at sleeping Kyle. I mean, not Kyle. Why Kyle? I dunno, thoughts are running through my head like a freight train.

    "Cartman? I hope you're not planning on writing on Kyle's forehead." I look up, Kenny's questioning me again.

     I roll my eyes. "Fuck you, and stop hovering over Stan, he's trying to sleep."

    He looks down as his cheeks flood red. I laugh at the thought, throwing blankets over my head.

  I feel myself drifting to sleep.

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