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[Kyle's POV]


    Stan's not here today, god knows why. He's probably sobbing in bed, thinking about Wendy.

    Kenny is forking his food, with his cheek resting against his hand. He has bags under his eyes and he notices me staring. "What?" He asks dryly.

     I shrug. "You look sick, dude."

    He waves me off and sighs. Momentarily, he glances at the clock that hangs overhead of the lunch line.

    It seems silent, but there are still talking and bickering in the background. I hate muted tension.

     "Hey Kenny, Kyle." I look up to see Cartman placing his tray down across from me. He's smiling and the way he does it gets me aggravated. 

    "Why aren't you ripping on me anymore?" I ask, brows furrowed. It's more in an angry way than it probably should be. "You haven't said something mean to me since yesterday."

     His smile flattens and he drops his gaze into his lap. "Uhh..." He swallows and looks back into my eyes. "Maybe I don't want to rip on you anymore."

     "What do you mean? You've been making fun of me since preschool."  My words are smothered in haste and I feel my face flaming.

    He opens his mouth as if to say something, but instead shuts it and stands up to walk away.

    "Cartman, where are you going?"

     He speeds up and mutters. "Away from this shit of a school."

    I follow him out of the cafeteria and put a hand on his shoulder as to stop him. He does, and looks at me with tears running down his cheeks.

    "Dude, what's wrong?"

     My words seem to make it worse, he bites his lip and starts trembling. "If you knew, you'd never speak to me again."

     I nervously laugh and lock my hands behind my back.  "That's not true, even if you ki-"

     Jesus shitting Christ! He's doing it. He's kissing me. At school, where there are other kids and teachers and cameras. My heart starts racing as he backs up and stares me in the eyes.

     I just stand there, completely mindblown. But, by the time I've registered it all, he's gone.


   Gah! I can't sleep, I can't concentrate. I need to tell someone, or I'll most likely loose it. I decide to pull out my phone and text Stan.

   -dude, you will not believe what happened at school today. im fucking scarred now

     I sigh and roll to the side. I want to scream, but my mom is downstairs and Ike is in the other room.

     My phone vibrates.

   - youre scarred? jesus, im so scarred that i didnt go to school today. anyway, whats up?

    It's probably this whole Wendy thing again.

    - you wont believe me... eric cartman fucking kissed me...on the lips

   My hand trembles as I push on the send button. There is a wave of regret that washes over me, but I ignore it. Well, he knows now right? I mean, I didn't enjoy the kiss.

     Or did I?

    This world is way too complex for me. I don't know a flipping thing anymore.

    My phone vibrates again.

    -eh, i can believe it. probably cuz my problem is pretty relevant, but im too much of a pussy to tell you

   I reread it. Relevant? Maybe this doesn't have to do with Wendy, but what can be relevant to your life long bully, that's a guy, kissing you on the lips. And, why is he afraid to tell me?

    My fists clench before picking my phone up to reply.

   -great. im going to bed cuz im tired. tell kenny and cartman to come over my house tomorrow morning, alongside with you. you guys can sleepover. so tell them 11:00 am? good night

    I toss my phone on top of my bedside table, with a grunt. I hear it vibrate against the wood, but I ignore it. Staring into the darkness, I can feel myself drifting to sleep. 

    "Goddamnit!" I yell, jolting upwards. I have to pee.

South Park: Thought To Be Opposites [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now