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[Kenny's POV]

  Bebe knows how to throw parties.

   This is my kind of atmosphere. The shouting, the music, the fragrance of alcohol. It's even better watching your crush have a good time and ignoring that bitch of an ex-girlfriend. He got over that phase sooner than I would of thought.

    "Hey Kyle." I greet, sitting beside the redhead on Bebe's couch. We watch the drunken teens flop over eachother, but my eyes keep driving over to Stan.

   My crush on him is growing worse. I pray that it's not noticeable.

    "Hi." He says, ignoring me and grimacing as he almost falls out of seat to get a view of something that is out of his line of sight.

    His ignorance bothers me greatly. "Who are you looking for?"

    He turns his head and locks eye contact for a brief moment, before craning back and facing the same crowd of people from before. "The person I like."

    My eyes light up. "Kyle has a crush? Who?"

   He gives me a dramatic eye roll

before answering. "Yeah, but I can't tell anyone until Stan tells me his." His tone is perceived as a whine.

   "Stan has a crush?" I ask, trying to cover the anxiety in my voice.

    He nods. "On a desperate blonde chick."


   He stares at my frozen expression and stands up to leave. "Yep, I'm going to go find Cartman."


     After a moment of disappointment, I somehow made my way over to the group playing spin-the-bottle. I was getting my hopes up, since Stan was playing.

    I sat between Craig and Red, but both of them acted as if I wasn't there. In the midst of everything, Token spun the bottle. We watched it do a few 360s, before slowing and wobbling over towards Wendy.


  I could of swore that I saw Wendy eye Stan in a bitchy way. When Token and her lips smashed together in unison, I saw the hurt on his face.

    He literally stood up and turned heel.

    So, I ran after him and put a hand on his shoulder. He stopped and turned around. I know it's stupid to state the obvious, but he is very sensitive. "You can't let her get to you."

    I wiped a tear away with my thumb, causing his face to flare red. His gaze plummets to his feet. "I know." He mumbles.

   Nobody seems to notice us, but I still find the feeling of tension lingering in the air. "Try meeting someone new."

    My suggestion kind of slipped past the barrier of my mouth, without much thought. I shrug it off, quite awkwardly. 

   "I don't know how." He says, frowning. "And, I didn't even get my turn to kiss."

   I feel a spark of hope brewing inside me. "Either we go back over there, or..."

   Another tear fleas from his eye. It crushes me seeing him like this. He slowly redirects his vision to me, and nods. "Kiss me."

   Those words echo within the depths of my ears. I'm surprised that I didn't have a heart attack, right there, on the spot.

   I give him a sincere grin, leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips. Seconds have become hours and hours have become days.

   We pull back and I swear I saw lust in his eyes.



   I fucking did it. In the midst of a party, with everybody around us. I'm kind of glad nobody saw us.

   I'm in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror, admiring my idiotic grin.

   The curve of my lips flatten into a straight, thin line. That's due to the fact that there is moaning outside the door.

   "The hell?" I ask myself, slowly turning the handle to the door. I do it at a snail's pace to not cause disruptions.

   My eyes widen at the sight.

   That is way more Kyle than I needed to see.

  The drunken bastard has his head rested against the wall, back on the carpeted floor and legs up. Getting fingered by Cartman. Eric fucking Cartman.

   The muscular boy is leaning over the smaller one, lips barely apart.

   "Damn." I mutter, sneaking past them. Even though, I think that they are both too drunk to notice my presence.

   I shake my head. I think people have taken notice on the shock expressed on my face. "You okay?"

    Turning my head, I see a raven haired girl. She looks about my age. "Yeah, I'm just new to finding my lifelong friends finger eachother."

   She chuckles. "Are you serious?"

   I nod and pinch the bridge of my nose and gesture to behind me. "Yeah, don't over there."

  "I kind of want to see for myself." She smiles a crooked grin.

    Recovering, I blink and examine this girl. She literally looks like the female version of Stan. Her hair is jet black and she has deep blue eyes like him. I admit, she's attractive. Yet, I find Stan much more appealing. His cunning looks could never be overcame by anyone.

    "I'm Kenny." I greet, shaking her hand. "And you are?"

    "Bebe's second cousin, Sarah." She says, sweeping a lock behind her ear. "I'm staying here for the summer."

   "Sarah, can you give me advice?"

    She furrows her brows for a brief moment before tilting her head and nodding. "Sure."

   "How do you get a guy to like you?"

   She smiles. "Aww. Who is it?"

   I gulp. "Stanley Marsh."

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