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[A/N- I have the world's most dirtiest mind. If you have read earlier chapters, I assume you're here for a reason.. haha]

¡-hooray for miniature sex scenes-!

(Nah, I'm sorry about it)

   [Stan's POV]

  Yep. We totally ditched Cartman and Kyle at about 2 o'clock in the morning. You know, it's pretty damn casual to walk through South Park in nothing but your night attire before the sun has arisen.

  By the time Kenny and I made it to my room, I had second thoughts. Ugh, I just have to hope that things go well.

  At this point, I already had my back pressed flush against the sheets and my legs wrapped around the blond's lower torso.

   "Ah, more." I groaned.

   Which, he definitely wasn't reluctant about. His grinding became more and more intolerable, causing both of us to gasp and grunt. His hand crawled it's way down to my member, and started kneading.

    I cried out, pretty damn loud, and prayed in my head that it wasn't enough to wake mom and dad.

   "Shh..." Kenny hushes before leaning down giving me a quick peck on the lips. He then increases speed, and in the midst of doing so, grinds his teeth together harshly.

   "Oh, god." I muster, wrapping both arms around Ken's shoulders for support. I gasp a little, before releasing myself. I'm nothing but a breathless heap of skin and bones at this point.

   Kenny bucks his hips one last time, before finishing up as well. He collapses, and rolls over on his back.

   "I think we'd make a good couple." I manage, my chest still rising and falling. Ken smiles at me, quirking a brow.

   "I do too."

   I sigh and convert my gaze to the ceiling. There are so many emotions and feelings to comprehend with right now, I can't compress.

   "I think you got a message." He says, handing me my phone. Which reads, '2 New Messages From Kyle'.

   Damn. We've been caught already and it hasn't even been two hours yet. I sighed, once again, reading the messages.

Kyle : where are u and kenny?

Kyle : dude, da fuq did you two go?

    Why does he care? That's my question. All he seems to care about is Cartman, and let me remind you that they hated each other not even four months ago.

Stan : whats the concern?

   "What did he say?" Kenny asked, head titled by a fraction. He gave a slight sneer as his eyes glanced at my phone. "You looked and still look annoyed."

   "He wants to know where we went." I answered tiredly.

Kyle : i dunno. maybe i wanna know where my friends go when they leave in the middle of the night. So, where are u?


   "He gets so angry." I mutter.

Stan : im at my house. dont bother coming to get me.

   Kenny hovered over my head to read the conversation. I felt his breath rustle up hair. Which I didn't mind, because I bet my hair was previously messy anyway.

  "I can totally hear Kyle saying that." He says.

  Kyle : what about kenny?

   "Wow." Kenny comments. He nudges his chin against the top of my head  "Tell him to leave you alone."

Stan : leave me alone


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