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[Kenny's POV]

   He feels so cold beneath my touch. I just want him stop sobbing and explain to me what's going on. His grip is weak under my hold, but his arms remain around me.

    "Maybe if you say it, it will make you feel better."  Kyle offers, in a soft voice.

   "Ngh, no." His voice muffled. "No, it won't."

   He backs away, wiping the streaming tears with the back of his hand. His face is flushed red.

   "Come on," Cartman says, sitting on Stan's bed. "We aren't going to sit here and watch Stan cry like a pussy for the rest of the night, right?"

    I watch Kyle shoot a death glare at Eric. "Shut your ass, Cartman."

   "If you want to know, I'll tell you." Stan swallows, sitting on the floor near Cartman's legs. "W-Wendy" His voice cracks. "Wendy dumped me."

    All is silent. It's so quiet that I expect to hear the beating of my own heart.

   He lifts his knees to his chest and buries his face into his palms.

  One part of me feels bad, but another part of me wants to scream with joy. After years of waiting, he's finally available.

    "Stan, I-I'm sorry." I partially lie.

     He spreads his fingers so he can look at me. "It's okay." I hear him choke out a sob. "Not your fault."

    Looking up at the ceiling, I bit my lip, searching for words to say. But instead, I muffle a groan that slipped out of my mouth... accidentally.

   He looks up at Kyle and I, his eyes darting between us two. He opens his mouth as if he were to say something, but nothing comes out.

   "You done?" Cartman asks after a moment of silence.

   Stan nods, but remains seated on the floor. He looks frustrated. I want to help him, but there is nothing I can do. I mean, in our state of our relationship, a flirty move wouldn't be the best go.

   My posture goes limp.

   "Call of Duty?" I ask, as he looks up at me.


   I've been watching the three of them play Xbox for over an hour now. Well, I've been starting to daze off, but I'm still awake.

    I wandered over into the kitchen, only to be greeted by Randy. I didn't even think he was here.

    "Hi." He says, looking tired and taking a sip of his coffee. It almost sounds rehearsed, "How's it going?"

   "Good. May I get something to eat?"

    "I guess. There's leftover pizza in the fridge." His voice is strained, as if he were yelling all day.

   I shrug, "Thanks,"

   "Kenny!" I hear as I open the fridge door by a fraction. I look back, Stan is standing there with his controller still at hand. Watching him smile makes me grin as well.

    "What?" I ask, letting go of the handle of the refrigerator.

    He looks over at his father for a split second and back at me, "Come over here,"

   I retreat into the darkness of the living room, the television is the only source of light. I see two shadows rolling and throwing fists at eachother. I cringe at the sight, "Why are you smiling?"

   "Cartman said something really gay." He replies with a smug smirk.

   I hate it when people call stuff gay. I mean, coming from a bisexual. I don't use the term straight to offend people. Trust me, it's worse hearing the word come from a guy that you actually like.

  "What did he say?" I ask, trying not show the harm it delt me.

   I looked over at the screen, they were playing Sims. I assumed they were making Kyle's character, since he is the only one here with curly auburn hair.

   He paused, chuckled and bit his lip. "He said to Kyle, 'It's not that bad, your ass isn't flat'."

   What the actual fuck? I need explanations.

South Park: Thought To Be Opposites [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now