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[Stan's POV]

  "Come over to my place." Kenny had grabbed me by my arm and gestured towards his house. I stood there, dead beat for a moment. Today was a long day, and there is a following one tomorrow. I pursed my lips.

    "It's a school night." I said, looking down the sidewalk for any other pedestrians. The road was completely cleared. No cars, no people.

    "I have clothes you can borrow." He offered with a smug grin. His orbs aligned with mine causing me to fall in a trance. Coming to realization, my cheeks warmed and I quickly averted my line of sight to his house. "Just come with me."

    "Alright, fine." I shrugged as he began to lead me towards his door as if I wasn't moving fast enough. With a tug at the doorknob, he pushed through the door and threw his bag  on the floor.

   With a swift moment, his remaining grip around my wrist tightened. He peaked down the hall before speaking. "Be quiet, my dad is home." He let go of my hand and stealthily made his way into his room. I followed, and he shut the door behind me.

   His room was honestly the neatest in the whole house. There was nothing scattered about on the floor. All his clothes were folded. His bed was made. Although he was in desperate need to repaint his walls, it really didn't look all that bad.

   My phone buzzes in my pocket and it causes Kenny's head to turn.

   "Cartman. " I say, opening my phone. My eyes flutter, scanning left and right. From Cartman, it's considered a lengthy text.

   Cartman: why is kyle so mad at u and ken? im gonna be honest and say im on his side but i never really got to figure out why.

  That's when I let out a sigh. I'm honestly not so sure why Kyle got so pissed. Possibly because we ditched him to go to my place? Maybe because Kenny and I are kinda an object? It could be the fact that I told him that he invaded my personal space...

   Stan: i'm not sure. i almost wanna ask him myself.

   Kenny hummed looking over my shoulder. He's so nosey, it's not even funny. "Call him then."

   "Should I really?"

    "Uh.. yeah. Definitely." He said, nodding. He took his cheep ass phone and began dialing Kyle's number. He handed it to me after it started ringing. It took a brief moment for him to answer.

   "Hello?" He answered. His voice sounded choppy and a few tones higher than I'm used to. He sighed into the phone. "Kenny?"

   "Uh, yeah. It's Stan. Look. All I want to know is why you're so mad at me." I answered. Kenny put an around my shoulder and leaned in to listen.

   Kyle grunted. "Ugh, Stan. It's hard to explain."  Then, that's when he cutoff the call. Kenny's arm slipped of my back and he yawned. He didn't seem irritated at all and it caught my attention that he wasn't very bothered by it.

   I shook my head and crawled into Kenny's bed. "Well shit, I give up."

   "I did awhile ago."

  "I should of followed your lead."

South Park: Thought To Be Opposites [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now