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[Kenny's POV]


   I should of kept my hands to myself last night. Now, Stan is awake and is most likely aware of the huge ass bruise on his neck.

    He is staring at me. The pressure is intense and I'm beginning to feel nauseous. Scratch that, extremely nauseous.

     He sits up. "Excuse us." I feel his tight grasp around my wrist. Not in an angry way, but more of an anxious way. He drags us into the kitchen so we are out of sight from Cartman and Kyle.

     I feel my face hotten. "I- I'm sor-"

    I'm cut off. It's so fast, I can barely comprehend what's going on. I think... I think he's kissing me. I feel his soft lips against mine, but I'm not sure if it's real.

   His hand intertwines with my slightly bigger one. His grasp weakens, but he edges in closer.

    Somehow, I collected enough courage and self esteem to sneak my tongue through the barrier of his mouth. He tastes like mint. Toothpaste?

    Soon enough, we are on the floor panting like wild animals. He pulls the hood of my parka down, and his hands take fistfulls of my hair. It feels rather welcoming, but I tug on his shirt collar instead.

     He gasps, then pauses. He gives me a guilty look and loweres his gaze to his lap. "This is wrong."

    My heart sinks. "What?"

    "I - I'm confused and I..." He cuts in the middle of the sentence to swallow and looks at me timidly. "And... I - I just broke up with Wendy."

     I panic when I see tears flood in his eyes. What do I do? I can't get Cartman and Kyle, they can't find out about what Stan and I just did. His parents could be an option, but I should probably deal with this on my own.

    "Don't cry." I say, pulling him into a hug.

    He's shaking.

    We sit there, on the cold floor, with our arms wrapped around eachother. He sobs into my ear and his tears begin to wet my shirt. "Stan, it's okay."

    He pulls away from my grasp and looks at me with sad eyes. He doesn't say a word before pressing his lips against mine. It's brief, but it's meaningful.

   "I'll be there for you." I say, standing up. I offer a hand, and pull the heartbroken boy up to his stance. I didn't notice he was shorter than me, until now.

     "Thank you." He replies, right before Kyle and Cartman walk in. The two look pissed at eachother, and both of their faces are red.

     "Stan crying again?" Kyle asks through gritted teeth. His fists are clenched and looks like he is about to murder the next person that gets in his way.

   "Yeah, but what happened to you?" I ask.

    He glances at Cartman and crosses his arms. "He was making fu-"

    "D-D-D-Don't!" Eric says, with his hands up and shaking. His face looks forgiving and guilty. "I'm sorry."

    What the hell? What happened to the fatass we knew and no longer have? He wouldn't of cared a month ago. And, since when did he say the word "sorry"?

    "We don't have to know, Kyle." Stan assures between sniffles. "I don't care and I don't think Kenny does either."

   I nod, noticing that Kyle and Cartman had cooled off a bit. The tension between them had almost completely wore away. Yet, their faces were still coated in a thin layer of pink.

    I pull my hood up, as I hear a phone vibrating. Kyle digs through his pant pocket, revealing his iPhone from 4th grade. He places it up to his hear and answers with a "Hello."

    He pauses. "Yes, I'll be right there." He taps his foot and looks down at the tiles. "Bye, mom."

    Kyle's gaze remains at the floor, in a sad like way, and says. "I have to go."

South Park: Thought To Be Opposites [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now