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(Kenny's POV)

   Looking over Stan's shoulder, I watched as he signed his name underneath the flyer for soccer signups. He's played it for a total of 4 years, and he said he wanted to continue his streak. I had signed up for football, as well as Cartman did. I saw Kyle earlier, and he went for basketball.

   I knew Kyle's plan. He was supposed to apologize during lunch, so I was honestly looking forward to spectate that. Although, we had wasted a good 5 minutes of lunch by signing up for after school activities.

   "Let's go." Stan grabbed my right hand and dragged me out of my trance by walking me in the direction of the cafeteria. I knew exactly what we were gonna run into. He pushed the entrance door open, greeted by an awaiting Kyle. Stan's eyes widened as he looked up at the redhead. "Oh, um, hi."

  I took a step back, my gaze alternating between the two of them. Stan flustered, obviously nervous.

   "Look, I'm sorry." He said, with actual sorrow in his voice. I watched as he offered a half smile, his emerald orbs showing glint of hope. Stan looked struck and dumbfounded. You could almost legitimately see the emotions run across his face.

    "Ky," He speaks, running up to him and throwing his arms around his shoulders. The redhead smiled, getting a face full of raven hair. He looked over in my direction, pursing his lips and chuckling. Stan let go, and grinned. "I'm sorry too."

   "Good, I'm glad." Stan nodded at Kyle's assurance. Backing up to where I was.

   "I'm gonna go eat lunch now, you can sit with us if you're interested." He says, gesturing to the last open table that stood a few feet from where we were standing. Stan sat down, and I took the seat beside him. Ky sat across from us and Cartman had followed too.

     I felt as if 10 pounds had lifted off of my chest.


   "A double date? Wouldn't that mean I'd have to tell fatass?" Stan asked, furrowing his brows at Kyle. I listened in amusement.

   "Well, he can figure out on his own. But, still. We could make this happen tonight at the diner." Stan looked over at me, lifting a brow. I wasn't bothered by it, and it could actually be kind of fun. Kyle continued blabbing on how we could have a nice experience. "C'mon, we could get ice cream and go to Stark's Pond."

   "Yeah, I'll go." He finally agreed.


   We trotted out the door of the diner, and began to walk towards the direction of Stark's pound. It was nearing sunset and the sky was painted with colors of purple and red. My mouth still had an aftertaste of vanilla ice cream, and I had a lingering headache that I had earned from Cartman over 10 minutes ago.

   Fatass and Kyle walked side-by-side, about 2 feet in front of us. They worked well yet weirdly together. I still can't believe that those two ended up together after all those years of hate. The suns was visible and shimmered between the two of them.

    Stan walked in silence, beside me. I couldn't read his emotions. He looked like he was enjoying it, yet bored at the same time. "Uh, Stan?"


   "How's it goin'?" I asked causally, chuckling under my breath.

   "Pretty good. I'm on my way to a date." He said, grinning and looking up at me. His eyes glinted with the reflection with the sun, which was hard not to look at.


    It wasn't that long until we came across the tiny pond. Kyle and Cartman both sat down crisscrossed, holding hands. I'll be honest, that was real sweet. But with Cartman not getting the hints that Stan and I are semi-sorta together, it's hard to just outright do stuff.

    I took a seat next to Kyle, and Stan on my right side. We discreetly locked hands, and stared into the orange-tinted water. It rippled slightly with a clear reflection of the sunset. There was rarely ever days like this in South Park. And what made it even better was the perfect 65 degree weather.

   "Ready?" Stan asked me in a barely audible voice, facing towards me.


    He grabbed me by the chin. "Hey, Cartman." After making sure he had gathered the fatass' attention, he lightly pressed his lips against mine. Yeah, that was uncalled for, but damn did I enjoy it. Separating enough, I turned to get a glimpse of Cartman. His orbs alternated from the two of us, looking a little lost for words.


South Park: Thought To Be Opposites [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now