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[Stan's POV]

    What the fuck?

     I wake up early, maybe a little too early. Cartman is awake, wide-eyed. On top of him is a sleeping Kyle. The redhead has his hands wrapped around Eric's left arm, with his forehead nudged against his shoulder.

    "Good morning, Cartman." I say, winking at him.

    My smirk quickly disappears due to the cause of the sudden sting on my lip. Damn, it's cut. Not to mention, my mouth tastes like stale toaster waffles.

    "Yeah, can you get the Jewish faggot off of me?" He asks, sitting upright. Kyle remains around Eric, letting out a sigh.

   "Jesus, Kyle's a heavy sleeper." I mutter, dragging the boy on to the floor. I hear him swallow hard and he rolls to his side.

   "And apparently... you are too." Cartman states, looking like he's trying to hold in a laugh. "Kenny was poking you last night and it looks like he wanted to mark his territory."

    I pause and glance at Kenny. He's still sleeping. Not to mention, he's sleeping with his parka on. Doesn't he get hot in that thing?

     Wait a minute... "What does 'mark his territory' mean?"

    He brings his arm out from under his sleeping bag and scratches his head. He squints and tilts his head to the side. "Uhh... hickeys?"

    "Aww, Kenny gave me a hickey?" I whisper a shout. My hands squirm around my neck. "If you aren't lying, you better keep your mouth shut."

    He huffs and crosses his arms tight around his stomach. I'm kind of astonished at the amount of weight he lost. I mean, he's kind of chubby... but, he looks thinner than ever I remember.

     "I'll keep my mouth shut." He responds. "If you keep your mouth shut about Kyle."

    I shrug. "Easy."


    Cartman and I are on the couch,  exchanging looks as we hear footsteps approaching closer and closer by the second.

    We have synchronized thoughts as both Kyle and Kenny are visible in our line of sight.

    It's dead silent.

    They sit down.

    Kenny notices me.

    His eyes travel downward to my neck. He looks up at me again and his face flushes red.

    Not a little, but a lot.

South Park: Thought To Be Opposites [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now