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Eden was walking in the fields of Amity while picking berries off the bushes. She was wearing a burnt orange skirt with a yellow top and ankle boots. The smell of grass and berries filled her nose. The basket was rough on her fingertips as she filled it with the red and blue berries.

"Eden. It's time to go," Mary called and Eden turned around. She smiled and walked towards the horses and wagons. She poured her berries into the large basket before walking towards a horse. She pet the horse's head before pulling herself up on the saddle.

"Hello, Marigold. Are you doing well today?" she asked the horse and it nayed in response. She smiled and patted her neck. "Let's go girl," she said the horse started walking. She trotted just in front of the wagon and waited for the Dauntless to open the gates.

"Clearance," one of them asked jokingly and she smiled down at him. "How you doing, Eden?" he asked while petting the horse.

"Well, and yourself?" she asked and he nodded.

"Just living day by day," he said and she smiled. "Will you be joining us in a couple days?"

"It depends on the aptitude test, you know that, Brian," she said and glanced at the wagon to make sure it wasn't too far ahead.

"Oh come on, be a rebel. I know you have it in you. If you pick something else I'll never see you," he said and she frowned.

"I'll let you know what I'm doing tomorrow," she told him and he nodded. Brian patted her foot before sending her off. She smiled at him before taking off to catch up with the wagon. She had always talked to Brian when she came to the fields. They had become good friends since then.

"The bulls got loose!" one of the girls from the wagon screamed, gaining everyone's attention. Eden looked over and her eyes widened. She looked over at the Dauntless and saw their guns raised.

"Don't shoot!" she yelled before riding towards the bulls. She grabbed the lasso from the side of the saddle and let go of the reigns to get it situated.

"What the hell is she doing?" Brian cursed while jogging forward a bit with his gun raised. She tried to herd them into one area but was struggling. She threw the lasso at one and hooked it's horns.

"Go girl," she told Marigold and the horse started running. Eden had to use all her strength to try and pull the bull towards the others. Brian kept his gun aimed at the bull, along with all the other Dauntless. She groaned while tugging on it. The bull was making loud noises while thrashing back and forth. The rope dug into Eden's palms as she pulled on it. Marigold was struggling against the strength of the bull as well.

At this point the other riders started running towards her to help. She had to do this before once, but it was only with one bull. Not three. The adrenaline was pumping through her veins as she tried to gain control of the bull. When it calmed down, she tossed the rope to another rider.

"Heading for the wagon!" he yelled and she turned. She heard the screams and took off towards it as fast as she could. Marigold's hooves slid a bit in the dirt while turning to face the bull. The horse went up in it's back legs while Eden held on tightly. The bull stopped and ran in the opposite direction. She followed it in a trot until the other riders started leading them back to the pens. She took a deep breath and blew the loose hair out of her face.

"Good girl," Eden said while rubbing Marigold's neck. She turned and trotted back towards the wagons. "Is everyone okay?" she asked loudly and there was a collection of yeses and nods.

"Is everyone okay?" A Dauntless asked as a group of them jogged up to her. Eden chuckled a bit while shaking her head. The group just nodded. Most of the Amity were still scared of the Dauntless. "Next time that happens, we won't hesitate to shoot."

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