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"If you ranked above the red line, you will be moving on to the next stage. If you ranked below, we'll waste no more time on you. Here are the rankings," he said and Eden gripped onto Al's hand as he waited anxiously to see if he made it. The board started lighting up and Eden's name was in fourth, Ed's in first, and Peter's in second. She looked and saw that Al was just under the line. Her breath hitched as she turned to him.

"Al," she said as he was looking down. "Al, it's okay. It's okay. Go to my people and tell them I sent you. They might help you," she said while grabbing his face in her hands. He looked down at her with watery eyes.

"I'm sorry," he said in a broken voice and hugged her. She found herself crying a bit while hugging him tightly.

"Al," Eric said walking up to them. They both turned and looked at him. "Edward has decided to quit the program to be with Myra so everyone moves up a spot. You're in," he said and Eden smiled.

"Thank God," she said and jumped up on Al to wrap her arms around his neck. He hugged her back and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

"Thank you," Al said to Eric while setting Eden down. Eric nodded to him and turned away.

"I wish he would've told us two minutes earlier," she said while wiping her tears away. Al laughed and pulled her in for another hug. She had been so scared that Al was going to have to leave. She felt herself around him and didn't want to lose that. "Let's have a drink."

"I don't drink," he said and she laughed.

"Then have a soda," she said while pulling him towards the bar. "Hello Jeremy."

"Glad to see you in a better mood today. Shots?"

"For me," she said and the bartender looked to Al.

"Just a tonic water," he said and Jeremy nodded. "Ready for them to go digging in our heads?"

"I'm sort of scared about it but excited at the same time," she answered as Jeremy slid the glasses across the bar. They heard loud music start and smiled. "Cheers," she said holding up the shot. He laughed and clinked her glass.

"To making it in by the skin of my teeth."

"Hear hear," she said before downing the shot. He took a sip from his glass and laughed. "Jeremy, can I have a beer?" he slid a solo cup across the bar and she nodded to him.

"Want to dance?" Al asked and she nodded. They walked off towards the middle of the pit where a bunch of people were already dancing. They laughed while dancing to the loud, upbeat music. Eventually Will, Christina, and Tris joined them. Further into the night, most of them were a bit drunk. Al and Tris were the only two not drinking.

"Princess," Peter said walking up behind her and putting a hand on her waist. She turned around and smiled up at him. "Congrats."

"You too," she said and gave him a hug.

"You wanna get out of here?" he asked with a smirk and she shook her head.

"No thanks. I'm good with dancing," she said and he nodded.

"Well can I at least get a dance then?" he asked and she nodded. He grabbed her hand and spun her around. She laughed while stumbling into him. He put a hand on her back to steady her and chuckled a bit. "Are you drunk?"

"Just a tad," she said with a smile. She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and tilted her head back. Peter dipped his head closer to hers and moved her hips with his. "Where did the Candor learn to dance?"

"My mom was from Amity," he told her and she giggled. "What's so funny?"

"Your mom is from Amity. It's funny how you turned out to be an ass," she said and Peter scoffed.

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