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"It's gonna rain," Tris said looking up at the sky. There was a crack of thunder that made Eden jump. Peter grabbed her hand in comfort. He knew thunder was one of her fears.

"There's a building over there," Eden said pointing at it. The rain started falling and they ran towards the building. Eden felt a burning pain on her skin and screamed. "It's toxic!"

"Get to the building!" Four yelled and they started running faster. All of them had jackets on but Eden was missing her sleeves. The burning got worse and she screamed while rubbing her arms. She fell to the ground a few yards from the building.

"Eden!" Peter yelled and turned around. He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her towards the building. He laid her down on the ground where there was cover from the rain. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head before her body started convulsing rapidly. "What's going on?"

"She's seizing," Caleb said and got on his knees next to her. He flipped her on her side so that her airways would stay clear.

"Well how do you stop it?!" Peter asked angrily while trying to figure out what to do.

"You just have to wait," he said as Eden shook under his hands. It went on for a few more seconds before she fell limp. Peter grabbed her face in his hands and looked down at her. Caleb reached over and checked her pulse. "Her heart stoped."

"Move!" Peter said pushing him away. He laid her on her back and started compressions on her chest. He moved and blew air into her mouth. He did some more compressions before putting his ear against her chest, just to hear nothing. "Come on princess," he said and blew in her mouth again. He pressed harder against her chest as sweat formed on his forehead. "Come on!" He yelled through gritted teeth. He felt like he might start crying but he had to keep going. He had to keep strong for her because without her he had nothing. Just like without Peter, Eden had nothing.

"Eden," she heard and opened her eyes. She was standing in a field with tall grass and a bunch of flowers. She looked up and saw Al standing a few yards in front of her. She ran forward and jumped into his arms.

"I've missed you so much," she said against his neck. He smiled and put her down.

"I've missed you too," he said and she grabbed his face in her hands. "You wear my necklace," he said taking it in his hands.

"I think about you everyday. I pray you lead me in the right direction," she said and he smiled down at her.

"This isn't it. With me, isn't the right direction. Not yet," he said and stepped away from her. His body slowly drifted away to nothing.

"Baby," she heard and turned around to see Eric. "You miss me?" He asked with a smirk. She smiled and ran to him. He hugged her in his arms and smiled. She breathed in and could practically smell him. Just like he always smelled. "You got my name," he said grabbing her arm.

"I did," she said and looked down at her arm. The only difference was that her name was on it now too.

"This isn't right," Eric said looking down at her arm. He took his thumb and seemed to just wipe away her name. "I'll see you soon baby. Just not yet."

She took a sharp breath in and Peter stopped cpr. He sat back on his heels and pulled Eden's head into his lap. She coughed a bit and opened her eyes lazily.

"Hey princess," Peter said and a tear fell from his eye.

"Why are you crying?" She slurred.

"Because you died," he said and wiped it away. She reached up and pulled his forehead to hers.

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