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Eden walked down to the pit and sat on one of the stools at the bar. She slumped on it and held her cheek in her hand. In Dauntless there wasn't really a drinking age. She tore the bandage off her nose and flicked it to the floor.

"You look like you need something strong?" the bartender said and she just nodded. She was frowning and just tracing her fingers across the bar. It was a dark brown wood that was glossed over. "Here," he said sliding a shot of brown liquid towards her. She picked it up and downed it with no hesitation. Her face scrunched up from the burning sensation in her throat. She coughed once and set the glass back down.

Eric saw her from across the pit and furrowed his eyebrows. He saw her down the shot and he sighed. He made his way over there and slid into the stool next to hers. He tapped the counter and the bartender nodded.

"Leave me alone," she said and dropped her head to rest on the bar. Eric raised an eyebrow at her as the bartender slid the whiskey across the the counter.

"You shouldn't be drinking," Eric said and she scoffed.

"You shouldn't be talking to me," she said and motioned for the bartender to give her another one.

"What happened?"

"Brian likes blondes," she said while downing the second shot. "But it's okay," she slurred while sitting upright. "We weren't together, so it doesn't matter. He just makes out with me, gives me clothes to wear, let's me use his shower because he doesn't want people to see me naked, shows affection in public, tells me how much he cares about me, calls me pretty," she said and her head dropped again. "He played me. He's a player. Can I have another one of these?" she asked the bartender while tapping the glass.

"Maybe not," Eric said and she scowled.

"Pour it in the glass," she told the bartender and he just nodded while pouring it. "You," she said pointing at Eric. "do not control me." She tipped the third shot back and put it down rather harshly on the counter.

"You're drunk," he said and she shrugged.

"Better than being miserable. I've learned that it takes the pain away. Physical and mental," she said tapping her temple. She stood up and wobbled a bit before walking off. Eric watched her before sighing and following her. He didn't exactly want to follow her but he couldn't let her walk off into the chasm.

"Where are you going?" Eric asked catching up to her. She stopped walking and turned to him.

"Why do you care?"

"I don't."

"Bullshit," she said poking his chest. "You think that because you're all big and hot and you have muscles and tattoos that you're some macho man, Mr. tough guy."

"You think I'm hot?" he asked with a smirk and she scoffed.

"Who wouldn't, but I do not like you. You are very hot, but I do not like you," she said shaking her head.

"Bullshit," he said and she glared at him.

"You're right. You're ugly," she said and walked off again. Eric scoffed and caught up to her.

"Where do you plan on going?"

"The dorm. I need to cry and I don't like people watching me cry," she said shaking her head. She stumbled a bit and Eric caught her around the waist. She looked up at him and patted his chest. "Thanks," she said and sent him a smile.

"Any time," he said and pulled her up to her feet. It took her a minute to get her footing back before she walked on her own. She walked forward and leaned against the dorm door.

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