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"Hun, where's Natalie?" Eden asked while cradling the baby in her arms and looking through the large loft.

"I'm right here mommy," the five year old said while giggling and coming out from behind the couch.

"And where's your brother?"

"Al's with dad downstairs," Natalie said and Eden walked downstairs. She smiled at the three year old on Caleb's shoulders while cleaning up breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie," Caleb said and gave Eden a quick kiss. "How's my little Andrew doing?" He asked while picking up the 18 month old.

"Running. Everywhere," Eden said while pulling Al down off of Caleb's shoulders. "You guys get to hang out with Uncle Peter today," Eden said and Natalie and Al cheered.

"He always lets us eat ice cream," Natalie said with a big smile.

"I know and what does mommy say about that?"

"As long as you eat the veggies I don't care," Al mocked.

"Perfect," Eden smiled while ruffling his hair.

"I have to go to work. Have fun with the new initiates," Caleb said while putting a hand on her waist. She smiled and went up to kiss him.

"Have a good day. I love you," she said and he kissed her forehead. He handed Andrew back to her and she put him on her hip.

"I love you too. Kids, be good," he called before walking out of the door.

"Bye daddy!" Al called making Eden smile.

"Okay, we have to go too," Eden said while grabbing Al's hand and walking towards the door. She had Andrew's baby bag hanging on her shoulder and Natalie skipping ahead down the hall.

"Uncle Tobias!" Natalie squealed while jumping into his arms. Eden and him had made amends over the years.

"You going to hang out with Uncle Peter today?" Four, or Tobias, asked her while holding her.

"Yes, because mommy has to train the newbies," she said while laughing loudly.

"Thinking of popping another one out anytime soon, Eden?" Tobias asked and she scoffed.

"I want a sister!" Natalie said and Eden shook her head.

"Well you got two little brothers and that's that. Unless you want to keep her, Tobias, we have to go because I am late," she said looking at the watch on her wrist.

"I'll take them to Peter's. You go," he said while pulling the bag off her arm.

"Really?" She asked and he waved her off while taking Andrew. "Thank you so much."

"Yea. Where's Al though?" He asked and Eden sighed.

"Marco!" She called out.

"Polo!" She heard from around the corner and Al came running.

"You can't run off like that," she said before giving him a hug. "I love you all. Be good," she said while blowing them kisses and running off. While she ran through the compound, Josh came up next to her.

"Look at that. Both of Dauntless's leaders are late," he said and she scoffed.

"That's because I have children. You were sleeping with a girl," she said and he shrugged.

"What can I say? How are the kids?" He asked as they got in the elevator.

"Andrew is running now, Al said shit yesterday and I couldn't even be mad because he used it the right way, and Natalie threw a fit this morning because I wouldn't let her get her nose pierced. But other than that just angels," she said and Josh laughed.

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