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They all watched in somewhat shock as both the top fighters lay limp on the floor. They had both fought until they literally couldn't go on more. The others would have given up minutes ago. Peter walked up on the mat and kneeled down next to Eden.

"Who even won?" Will asked while looking at them.

"Softie got the last punch in. Get them off the mat so the next few can fight," Eric said. Peter hooked his arms underneath Eden's legs and back to pick her up. She was limp in his arms and her face was all bloody and bruised. Her abdomen was all bruised and the wraps on her hands were bloody. A few guys walked up the mat and dragged Ed off.

"I can take her," Al said walking over and Peter raised an eyebrow.

"I got her lover boy," Peter said and walked past him. He walked with her in his arms to the infirmary. The guys dragging Ed were right behind him. When he walked in, he laid her on one of the empty beds. She stirred a bit and brought a hand to her forehead.

"Can you hear me princess?" Peter asked leaning over her.

"Couldn't miss that annoying voice," she said and her eyes were still closed. Peter rolled his eyes and looked at the nurse.

"She's fine," he said and she opened her eyes. She looked over and saw that Ed was still passed out. The nurse walked over and started unwrapping her hands. Peter sat on the end of the bed and watched her as the nurse started unwrapping her hands.

"Nothing is broken except your nose, which I have to reset. You just have some pretty nasty bruising," the nurse said and put her hands on Eden's nose. She reset it without hesitation, earning a small yelp from Eden. "Sorry," she said and grabbed a syringe. "This will just help ease the pain. It's better than the pills."

"Okay," Eden nodded. She put the syringe in Eden's arm and pushed the liquid into her. After that Eden immediately felt more at ease. "What's your name?"

"Jade," she said while grabbing some bandages. She put a foam piece over her nose and tapped it down. She grabbed an alcohol wipe and started cleaning off her knuckles and palm. She closed her eyes and clenched her jaw from the stinging sensation. While she was doing this, ice packs covered her abdomen and her cheek. When Jade was wrapping new bandages around her hands, Ed woke up with a loud scream.

"He must have some broken ribs. Can you finish this?" Jade asked Peter. He nodded and took the bandages.

"You know, our only sweet moments are when we are cleaning each other up. Kind of sucks," Peter said while gently wrapping her hands.

"I wouldn't really call it sweet moments," she said and he smirked at her. "Can I go?" she asked Jade. Ed was still yelling out and she ended up injecting a sedative into him.

"Yea, if you want, but you can stay here too," Jade told her and she nodded. She looked at Peter and he raised his eyebrows.

"I wanna go back," Eden said and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She took the ice packs off and stood up. Hair had gotten loose from her braids so she tucked some of it behind her ears.

"Let me help you," Peter said and wrapped an arm around her waist. She held onto him and stood up. She winced but managed to walk forward.

"I can do it on my own," she said and tapped his arm so he took it away but kept his hand on her back. "Peter, I'm fine. Don't touch me."

"No thank you Peter for carrying me here and bandaging my hand?" he asked and she looked at him.

"Thank you Peter," she said and he smirked.

"You're welcome," he said and she shook her head while walking down the short hall to the pit. She was limping because of the pain in her side but managed to walk back by herself. When she did, she saw Christina sitting on the ground looking very pale with Tris comforting her.

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