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"We've got the box," Eric said walking into Jeanine's office with the tall narrow box with all the different factions on it.

"Good. Now we just have to figure out how to open it," Jeanine said and Eden walked over to it.

"May I?" Eden asked and Jeanine nodded while handing the box to her. She looked at it and saw all the faction symbols on it.

"I'm open to any ideas," Jeanine said obviously frustrated. They knew the box was somewhere and had been trying to figure out how to open it. Now they had it and still had no idea. Eden looked at it and got an idea.

"It may be a bit far fetched but what if it's a simulation? And in order to open it you would have to pass a simulation from every faction meaning that-"

"Only Divergent would be able to open it," Jeanine said and took the box back. "You would make a fine Erudite, Eden."

"It's just a theory," Eden said shaking her head.

"A theory that is very plausible. Why else would they have the faction symbols on either side?" she asked while setting it down. "I made a device that can screen for Divergents. Go to every faction and round them up. We need to test this theory."

"We can go to Amity first since it's the furthest. I wouldn't be surprised if they were next to harbor Divergents," she said sarcastically and Eden gasped.

"What is it?" Eric asked.

"I know where they are hiding. When Al was in danger of not making it, I told him if he went to Amity they would help him. They could be at Amity," she said and they all looked at each other.

"Well let's go then," Eric said and put a hand on the small of her back and led her quickly out. Jeanine handed the device to one of the guards and they all rushed out. "You're a genius Eden," he said as they moved out.

"It was just an idea," she said as he walked into a room full of weapons. He pulled down a few handguns and handed them to Eden. He handed her a bullet proof vest and she slipped it on.

"A good one," he said and grabbed two automatic guns while handing one to her. "I like the cargo pants by the way," he said looking her up and down before walking out. She smirked and followed after him.

"I think that if we slow down, they will still be there," she said since she was basically running to keep up with him.

"It's not my fault you're short," he said and she huffed. They got out to the cars and Eric hopped in one.

"Not that easy for short people," she said while jumping to heave herself in. Eric grabbed her hand and pulled her in. She huffed and leaned back in the seat as the multiple cars drove off quickly.

"Don't be surprised if you have to shoot someone," he told her and she nodded. He grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.

"We should try to do it peacefully at first," she told him and he nodded.

"We will," he said. They rode the rest of the way to the Amity village and Eden smiled a bit. They got out and met Johanna by the main building.

"Amity welcomes you. To what do I owe the pleasure? Eden, you've changed so much," Johanna said and she nodded.

"We are looking for Divergents," Eden told her and Johanna's face dropped a bit.

"I see. Well of course. What ever I can do to help," she said smiling.

"We need you to volunteer your faction to be tested," Eric said while holding the device up to Johanna's face. "This is screening technology for Erudite," the device confirmed that Johanna was 100% Amity. "Now that Jeanine is heading up the council, the approval process just got a little easier."

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