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Eric sat with Eden as she slept. He knew she was fine but he didn't want to leave her either. He had stitched up the wound while she slept and cleaned it better. She was still covered in blood though. He sighed and wet a rag. He walked over to her and gently started wiping the blood of her face.

"What are you doing?" She asked him when she opened her eyes.

"You're covered in blood," he said moved on to wipe a spot on her chest. He sat down in the small bed and grabbed her hands.

"Thank you," she said and he just nodded. "What's happening?"

"They are telling everyone that it was the divergents that planned the attack. It's better that way," he said and she nodded. She took her hands away and moved to sit up. "I used a serum that helps you heal faster. You should be fine by tomorrow."

"Thank you," Eden told him and he nodded. Eric moved and wrapped an arm around her upper back for a hug.

"I'm glad you're okay," he said and she smiled. "You're smiling."

"If you didn't find me I would've died. I'm really fucking thankful for that," she said and laughed a bit. Eric chuckled and shook his head.

"Max is proud of you. He respects how much you kept fighting," Eric told her and she nodded.

"Does that mean I get the leadership position?"

"Yes it means you get the leadership position," he told her and she smiled. "All the people who were involved in the attack believe it was the divergents as well, so you don't have to worry."

"I just want to get out of this damn infirmary," she said and moved to swing her legs over the side of the bed. Her side still hurt but it was more bearable now.

"I'll take you to the apartment you stayed last night," he said and she nodded while pushing herself up. She wobbled a bit and Eric grabbed her hips to steady her.

"Thanks," she said and moved to walk forward. She had a bit of a limp but it wasn't too bad. She walked down the halls with Eric next to her until she got to the place. Eden walked to her room and grabbed a change of clothes. "I'm just going to shower."

"I'll wait. When you're done we have to go," he said and Eden nodded. She walked into the bathroom and stripped out of her clothes. She saw the bandage on her side and frowned. She turned on the water and stripped out of her clothes and took her braids out before stepping in. She let the hot water run on her skin as she washed until her skin turned red. She scrubbed all the blood off before stepping out. She changed into black leggings and a tight long sleeved shirt that showed about an inch of midriff. She put her boots back on and walked out.

"You look better without the blood all over you," Eric said and she scoffed.

"Well I would hope so," she said and he smirked. She walked into the kitchen and drank a glass of water while leaning against the counter. "What happened at Abnegation."

"Tris shot me," he said and Eden's eyes widened. He stood up and pointed at his leg. "It's fine. Barely touched me."

"Getting shot sucks," she said and he nodded.

"That was the first time I've been shot actually," he said and she nodded. She drank some more water and took a dee breath.

"Did you find Peter anywhere?"

"We think they took him with," Eric said and Eden frowned. "Do you think he would've gone willingly?"

"He didn't want to leave me. They held him at gun point," she told him.

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