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Eden, Johanna, Jack Kang, Tris, Four, a new leader from Erudite named Jason Knox, and a new leader from Abnegation names Jenn Matthews gathered around a table in the Erudite building. They discussed what new measures would take place and all agreed to Eden's ideas but with some modifications.

"We need to discuss aptitude testing and choosing ceremonies," Jack Kang said while looking at a check list he had made.

"I vote we keep the aptitude tests. It gives an insights on what is best for people, but we get rid of the whole faction before blood crap," Eden said while spinning a bit in her chair. The meeting was getting long and boring. She couldn't sit still for so long.

"I agree," Johanna said and all the others did.

"I think we have everything," Jack Kang said while smiling standing up. All the others stood up as well. "Here's to the beginning of a better Chicago."

"Hear hear," Eden said with a smile and the table laughed while clapping their hands together. "I have to go," Eden said and hurried out. She remembered her way back to the room she had here and made her way towards it. When she opened the door, everything was still the same. Eric's bag was still on the floor, so was hers. She smiled when she saw the small wooden box. She put it in her bag, along with one of Eric's sweaters. She put the bag on her shoulder and walked back out.

"Eden," Four said walking towards her.

"I'll still kill you."

"I know you will. It's why I'm apologizing. I know you'll never forgive me but it'll give me a clear conscious," he said and she scoffed. "You've killed too."

"While protecting people, including you," she said while walking past him and bumping his shoulder. She walked out of the Erudite building and started towards the train tracks.

"Eden?" she heard a voice ask and turned around. "Eden!" Josh yelled and ran towards her. He scooped her up in a hug and she laughed while hugging him back.

"Missed you," she said as he put her down.

"You have no idea," he said and she smiled.

"Um, I should tell you. Eric is dead," she said and he frowned while rubbing his jaw. "And I'm the only Dauntless leader left and I need a second in command."

"You want me to be your second?"

"I would greatly appreciate it if you were," Eden answered and he nodded.

"I would love to," he said and she smiled.

"Let's go back to Dauntless. We have a lot of work to do," she said and Josh nodded. They ran towards the train and caught it just in time. They waited in silence since Josh was mourning over Eric's death.

"What are we doing about the Factionless?" he asked her as they walked through the compound.

"Reinstating them back to their old faction unless they have committed crimes. Those criminals will be put in jail. A new addition Dauntless is taking on. We have all those cells in the basement that are just collecting dust," she told him and he nodded. "You're in charge of that."

"Do you even know what you're doing?"

"Not in the slightest," she said and Josh laughed. "I need an apartment," she said stopping and looking around.

"Leaders get the ones on the top floor. I guess you have your pick," he said and she nodded while turning. "I'll go look at those cells."

"You are the best," she said pointing to him while backing away. She moved into the elevator and rode to the top. When she got to the top, she walked all the way to the end. She opened the door to see a basically empty apartment. It was a studio with large windows, a couch, television, kitchen, couch and arm chair, and simple paintings on the wall. She walked in and saw that nobody had lived in this one which she was grateful for. She didn't want to live in a dead person's apartment.

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