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"So you're telling me that you round up three bulls and protected your people?" Al asked and Eden laughed while nodding.

"The one thing I miss is my horse," she said and he smiled down at her. They were walking to the pit together for training this morning.

"Marigold right?" He asked and she nodded. They had talked a bit about it last night. "We didn't have horses in Candor."

"Obviously," she said and they both laughed as he put an arm around their shoulders. They walked in a did a few stretches as people started to gather.

"First fight...Peter and Tris," he said and Eden's eyes widened. She ran over towards Peter and grabbed his arm.

"Wishing me luck princess?"

"Don't be too harsh," she told him and he raised an eyebrow. "I'm telling you to win but don't be too cruel."

"Okay okay," he said raising his hands up. Eden walked back and stood next to Al with her arms crossed.

"Gonna cry stiff? I'll take it easy on you if you cry," Peter said and Eden sighed while rubbing her temples. Peter went to swing but she dodged it. When he stepped again she jabbed him in the throat. Eden grimaced and kept watching. Tris tries to grab him but Peter just knocks her down.

"Stop playing with each other," Eric said in an annoyed tone. Tris tried to get up but Peter just knocked her down again before kicking her unconscious. Will and Christina ran to her rescue.

"Soft enough for you?" Peter asked walking up to Eden.

"Your neck okay?" She asked while brushing her fingertips over the red mark.

"Yea I'm good princess," he winked at her before walking away.

"Next fight- Eden and Myra," Eric called. Tris was being carried off by Will when Eden stepped onto the mat. A girl about her size was stepping up as well. Eden knew that she wasn't a good fighter.

"Just get it over with," Myra said and Eden cocked her head to the side.

"That's cowards talk. Fight me," Eden said back while they circled around each other. Myra looked at her before charging. She wrapped her arms around Eden's waist in attempts to tackle her. Eden kneed her in the stomach several times until she fell to the ground. "Get up."

"Come on Myra," Edward called while clapping his hands. Myra pushed herself up and faced Eden.

"Don't be weak for her princess," Peter said. Everyone could tell that Eden was holding back in this fight. Myra jumped at her but Eden grabbed her waist and tossed them both to the ground with Eden on top. She was throwing punches at Myra's face and Edward was getting furious. He jumped up on the mat and threw Eden off of his girlfriend.

"Hey that's not allowed!" Drew called. Eden got up and walked over. She threw a punch at Edward's face with no hesitation.

"This isn't your fight!" She hissed and tried to push him back but he just pushed her to the ground. She huffed got back up. She jumped up and grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled him to the ground.

"Enough!" Eric yelled but she just kicked his stomach. He grabbed her ankle and pulled her down, but she was quick to recover and got on top of him. "Damnit," Eric cursed and hopped up on the mat. He grabbed Eden around the waist and pulled her off of Edward while Four held Edward back.

"You can't save her! You know she's done!" Eden yelled at rival as Eric dragged her away. Myra was just crying into Edwards shoulder as her blood was getting on his shirt.

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