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"Eden, it's time to go," Caleb said while standing in the doorway of Eden's room. She nodded and tucked Eric's gun in her waist band. She squeezed the necklaces while walking out the room.

"Let's try not to die," she said while grabbing his wrist to pull him out. He had gone over the plan with her the night before. They walked inconspicuously through the bureau while trying to get to where the hovercraft was. "We will have to move fast. These guards aren't a fan of giving me privacy," she whispered to him.

"One is right on our tail. How are we supposed to go down a basically deserted hallway without looking suspicious?" Caleb asked obviously frustrated. Eden grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hallway.

"Do you trust me?" she asked while looking behind her.

"In theory."

"Then follow my lead," she said and pressed her back against the wall. She grabbed Caleb's shoulders and pulled his lips onto hers. He was completely shocked but grabbed her waist and kissed her back. The guard turned down the corner and stopped.

"You guys have a room," the guard said and they pulled apart. Eden giggled while wiping the corner of her mouth.

"I like the risk," she answered and Caleb just nodded. His cheeks were a shade of pink from being so flustered.

"Yea yea. Just get going," the guard said and they both nodded. She looked him up and down while walking forward.

"Sorry officer," she said flirtatiously and he raised an eyebrow. "Caleb, why don't I meet you back up stairs," she told him. She grabbed the officers hand and pulled him away down the hall. She looked at Caleb and mouthed the word wait.

"What are you up to?" the guard asked her and she just smirked at him. She put her hands on his chest and pushed him up against the wall. He smirked while grabbing her hips but she just slammed his head into the wall.

"Caleb," she said and he popped out from behind the corner. "Let's go," she said and they started jogging down the hall until they got to the doors. Eden squinted from the light but saw Tris in the hover craft. Caleb ran forward and jumped in. Eden got in and sat on his lap.

"Wait! These are for you guys," Nita said while handing Eden two guns. "You're not the only ones that hate David."

"Thank you Nita," Tris said and she nodded before running off.

"Do you even know how to fly this thing?" Eden asked as the doors closed.

"In theory," Tris said and lifted off the ground. Eden held onto the handle so that she was only sitting on Caleb's one leg. She looked out the window and couldn't help the small smile on her face.

"Three ships behind us," Caleb said and Eden looked back. The ships came up next to them and started bumping.

"They are trying to take us down," Eden said while being bumped around a bit.

"I'm going auto," Tris said and both Caleb and Eden's eyes widened. The second she went auto they started plummeting towards the ground. Caleb's arms wrapped tightly around Eden and they were all screaming.

"Pull up!" Eden and Caleb yelled at the same time. Eden grabbed Caleb's forearm as the ground got closer and closer. They hit the ground and the windshield cracked. The hovercraft skidded across the ground until Tris got control.

"I got it," Tris said and started flying them further.

"Holy shit," Eden said and loosened her grip of Caleb's arm. His arms loosened a bit but stayed around her. "Tris, does that mean they are about to shoot at us?"

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