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Eden woke up and brought her hand to the side of her face. She felt the dried blood that had dripped down the side of her face to her jaw. She groaned while sitting up and looked around.

"You're awake," Caleb said while sitting up. She nodded while looking around.

"Thank you for stopping my bleeding," she said to him when she noticed one of her sleeves was missing. She stood up and walked over to the cell door.

"I've gotten used to helping your wounds," Caleb said and Eden scoffed. She grabbed the bars and shook them.

"Hey!" She yelled. "Let us out of here! We didn't do shit!" She yelled while shaking them. A man with a short mohawk walked over and smirked at her. "Who the hell are you?"

"Edgar," he said with a smirk glued to his face.

"Well Edgar, go tell your little queen that I don't fucking belong in this cell and neither does he," she sneered at him and he turned to pace.

"I would watch your tone," he said and she scoffed. "Just you wait till you go on trial."

"Go ahead. You think I'm scared of dying? I'm not buddy," she said and he chuckled while leaning down to get in her face. The bar was the only thing separating them.

"We'll see. I'm sure you'll be on your knees and begging," he said and she scowled before spitting in his face. He stood up and wiped it away while laughing.

"Eat me," she hissed.

"You're lucky you're hot," Edgar said and she narrowed her eyes.

"Can't say the same for you," she said and he nodded while backing up.

"Just stop your screaming," he said walking away and she smirked.

"FUCK YOU! FUCK ALL OF YOU!" She yelled as he walked away. She huffed and sat down next to Caleb. "How long was I out?"

"About a day. You got hit pretty hard," he told her and she nodded. "Here. I saved you some since they only brought for me," he said handing her a roll of bread.

"Thank you," she said and ripped a piece off to eat the stale bread. "Want some?" She asked while handing it to him.

"No thanks. I had the crackers," he said and she nodded. He handed her a small cup of water and she nodded to him. "I don't get you."


"I mean that you're so tough and strong but you're also really sort of kind," he said and she smiled a bit.

"I transferred from Amity. We're in the same year," she told him and he nodded.

"Right. I think I remember you at the choosing ceremony," he responded and she nodded. She grabbed her other sleeve and used her teeth to tear it off. "What are you doing."

"I have an idea," she said and pocketed it. She took the one off her head and poured some of the water on it.

"Here, let me," he said taking it. He wiped the blood off her face and by the small cut. "I get confused sometimes about what's right."

"Me too," she answered. "I deserve to die for what I've done."

"Have you ever killed?"

"No," she said.

"Then you don't deserve to die. People lie and cheat but it doesn't deserve death," he told her and she looked over at him.

"Thanks," she said before popping another piece of bread in her mouth.

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